Thu 6 May, 2004 09:14 am
....for infecting children
A Libyan court Thursday sentenced five Bulgarian medics and a Palestinian doctor to death by firing squad for having deliberating infected 400 children with the AIDS-causing virus HIV. The sentences come at the end of a bizarre on-and-off five year trial that was the focus of considerable attention in Bulgaria and elsewhere and was seen in some quarters as part of an effort by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to find scapegoats for a national tragedy. Bulgarian leaders say they are shocked by the outcome of the trial, and European Union representatives have expressed extreme concern over the sentences.
Libyan court said that it would release its reasoning for the sentences within a month; attorneys for the defendants said they would appeal.
Read from Reuters:
EU condemns Libyan sentence on Bulgarian medics
Report from the BBC:
Libya to execute Bulgarian medics
From Bulgary, the Bulgarian News Network reports (in English):
Libya Sentences Five Bulgarians, One Palestinian to Death
Funny that no Libyans are charged. Could this also have to do with the fact that the majority of Bulgarians are Christian with only 12% Muslim.
You mean, they sentenced the Palestinian doctor by mistake - or he is Christian as well?
No I do not mean that. But according to an expert from the article you posted, he determined that the hospital did not have adequate sanitary procedures. This expert is the French co-discover of the AIDs virus - Dr. Luc Montagnier. And after speaking with a Bulgarian confirmed that this is true and also common for Bulgarians to travel to Libya to help them. Also, known is the friction between these two countries due to their religious and political differences. What I am suggesting is that this death sentence is due to a cover up for the country's lack of proper medical sanitary procedures and the fact that the majority of these individuals charged are Christians does not hurt.
Also suspicious is the following "Some outside Libya have expressed skepticism over the allegations. Libya initially claimed the infections were part of a conspiracy by the CIA and Israeli intelligence, although it later backed away from those allegations."
Well at least Libya does admit that the HIV-virus exists (although this is not the way it should come in the news, don't get me wrong!!). I once spoke an Egyptian doctor, and first he denied that HIV and AIDS existed, later he said that all good Muslims were immune for it and that it was a punish for all people being gay (not noticing that the far majority of infected people in this world are straight).
are you sure he was Muslim? Sound pretty Catholic to me - no offense anyone, I come from catholic country.
Well it could be he was a Catholic pretending to be Muslim :wink: but he spoke in the words of "good muslims", "bad muslims", "Allah"...but I agree it sound pretty like the Pope (not Catholic: I'm Catholic and I oppose the message of the Pope; does this make me Protestant?
well I don't know about priests, bishops and other "Catholic church officials" in Netherlands, but in Croatia almost all of them sound like that - actually from croatian point of view Pope is the nicest and the most liberal of them
In the Netherlands it's the other way around: Catholic priests are very liberal and the Pope slapped them more than once on their fingers for being so liberal. In the 1980's there was also a Catholic movement here, I don't know its exact name (I think it was something like the 4th Of May Movement), who wanted a more liberal view of the Catholic Church on topics like abortion, female priests and homosexuality.
actually, I don't care about priests, what bugs me is when church is trying to have influence in civil life and when politicians are allowing them that. Until few weeks ago we had law that was forbidding shops, markets, malls, etc. of working at Sundays - now luckily Constitutional Court decided that this law is unconstitutional and cancelled it.
And when Parliament made some kind of "silent recognition" of homosexual marriages, all papers were full of priests - luckily without no success ("silent recognition" means that they are still not allowed to officially get married, however if they live together they have all legal rights as married couples - like inheritance and stuff like that)
I think the Catholic Church should adjust more to the Western lifestyle to prevent people of leaving the Church. They should accept that more and more topics like homoseksuality, abortion, the free sex mentality, are being accepted by the big crowd. When I look at my town, already 70% of the people going to Church are 60 years or older. The Church is just not attractive anymore for people of my age, and part of that is the way how the religious institutions look at life.
Libya has taken legal action against two more Bulgarian medics after sentencing five Bulgarian nurses to death last week on unrelated charges of intentionally infecting more than 400 children with the HIV virus. In the new cases, a Bulgarian doctor is under investigation in the death of a female car crash patient and a Bulgarian professor has been banned from leaving the country.
Libya Takes Legal Action Against Two More Bulgarian Medics
SOFIA (bnn)- Libya, which has sentenced to death five Bulgarian nurses has taken legal action against two more Bulgarian medics in separate cases, the foreign ministry in Sofia said Tuesday.
One of the medics, identified as doctor Anton Botev, is under investigation about the death of a female car crash patient, Deputy Foreign Minister Gergana Grancharova said.
She said the woman was in clinical death, when she was brought to a hospital in the town of Misralah, 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of the capital Tripoli, during Botev's shift of duty.
Botev has been briefly arrested and released, Grancharova said.
She said Libyan auhtorities had also banned another Bulgarian medic _ Professor Peter Chervenyakov _ to leave the country. The reasons for the ban were not immediately known.
Chervenyakov, who works in a small town near Tripoli, was expected to bring to the Bulgarian embassy in the capital a Libyan document informing him of the travel ban, Grancharova said.
A Libyan court sentenced to death six Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor last Friday on charges of intentionally infecting with the HIV virus more than 400 children at a local hospital.
The United States and the European Union have denounced the verdict citing its sheer discrepancy with evidence by the world's leading AIDS experts, who had testified the Bulgarians didn't cause the infection as it had existed before the hospital hired them.
The Bulgarians are appealing the verdict.
Libya has employed for decades thousands of foreign professionals _ medics, engineers, IT specialists for lack of its own qualified personnel. Thousands of Bulgarians have worked and are still working there for payment, which is higher than at home.
Bulgarian News Network