If one person I consider credible tells me what s/he saw or what s/he experienced, but it doesn't seem plausible, I chalk it up to a curiosity at best, a misinterpretation at worst.
If two credible people recount similar experiences, it becomes more interesting.
If a dozen credible people recount similar experiences, the matter becomes worthy of serious research.
If millions of credible people recount similar experiences, perhaps the sensible thing is to give serious consideration to the possibility there is something to it
I know enough people and have read the testimony of enough people to believe that people who 'see ghosts' are in fact seeing something. I am not yet prepared to say that I know what that something is. The same with the NDE folks etc. I do think one form of intelligence is not closing the mind to possibilities.
And dlowan I don't think we're arguing here so much as discussing.

I love the subject and wouldn't enjoy it so much if we all already agreed on everything.