ILZ writes:
Quote:I know. The fact that there is absolutely no evidence supporting such claims and a veritable mountain of evidence disputing it is what makes believing in such things retarded.
I also live a couple of hours from an installation of 27 enormous radio telescopes called the VLA (Very Large Array) that continuously travel on railroad tracks for 22 miles through a small remote valley. Since 1981, they have been listening for any voice or signal from another civilization in our galaxy or beyond. The number of their successes to date? Zero.
Ditto for other radio telescope sites in California and West Virginia.
Now listening and failing to hear anything for 20+ years might suggest there's nothing out there. No probes into space or to other planets have thus far discovered any other forms of life. In fact, a veritable 'mountain of evidence' could be said to support the fact that no life exists apart from Planet Earth. Yet those scientists who continue to listen and search and hope believe probability is on their side.
As there is far more testimony witnessing to the existence of a spirit world and/or a soul, and much less witnessing to the existence of extra terrestrials, I believe probability is even more on the side of the existence of a spirit dimension and it is probably less retarded to believe in a soul than it is to believe in an E.T.