Quote:That's ok on the problems. Did you ever have to take a course in tensor calculus? I guess I mean do you think a seperate knowledge of tensor calculus must be built up before you take GR. I have a GR textbook and it looks like you can get by with calculus or vector calculus, differential eqs and linear algebra. The book says there are really few prerequisites with the additional statement that other required math will be developed as the book progresses. I guess I should probably review SR from my mechanics book and then give GR another shot. I did not get very far the last time I tried to learn it.
I have done tensor calculations, so what?
Don't you see textbooks are full of gaarbage?
I mean it.
GR is really nonsense to the bone.
Used to stop us hinking.
That lots of people believe it and that it is in the textbooks doesn't make something true offcourse.
Vaccination is in the textbooks too! We have seen what rubbish and bollocks it all is, but it is promoted by the Pharmaceutical Companies (The Medical Mafia) who sell that dangerous shite! Talking about conflict of interests!
Hence, we can't trust textbooks. Offcourse not! we have to start thinking ourselves again.