I'm dissatisfied with some of the web hosting I've been paying for, and hoping some of you know some good companies that make you happy. Or maybe what I'm about to post is better than what you have.
My first web hosting company was a little Mom and Pop operation out of Henderson, Nevada called
www.activewebhosting.com. They offer unlimited web space, but they restrict the type of files you can have on their servers (GIF JPG HTM WAV are okay but ZIP MOV AVI EXE are not, for example). They allow you unlimited email addresses, but you can only send email to 20 people at a time. They have php and mySQL, but you have to do almost everything manually to configure that. And once when I hit "reply to all" on an email, and one of the addressees was a piece of text that read "Undisclosed Recipients," they shut down my whole website for "spamming." So I'm dissatisfied with the email situation there and looking for something better.
While searching through a Google directory of hosting companies, I made it all the way through the "0" category to "1," and found
www.1uhost.com. They offer a Gigabyte of web space for $6.75 a month. But it was their
Control Panel that convinced me to give them a try (Oooh, look - shiny!). So I paid for a year of hosting and set up a couple of subdomains, and was also hosting three other domain names, plus a phpBB board that I set up as an emergency sanctuary for a board that was losing its hosting. Everything was working smoothly, except now and then the website would go offline for a few hours. It happened four times over a few months, but I only got explanations about what had happened for the last two. The first explanation was "Sorry for this inconvenience.Our server was under DDOS attacked and it was repulsed.and also, problem was fixed already.All sites was backed up." The second explanation (after the site was down for a whole day) was "Sorry for this inconvenience.Our datacenters ups was losted at this time.They are saying to me "All servers will be up monday morning".This is not our fault.Again, sorry for this." So I'm thinking to myself that even with a little downtime, this is still pretty cheap to get a gigabyte of disk space and to be able to do so much with it. And I could ignore the broken English (I suspect the company is located in Istanbul, Turkey) and the promise on their front page that I could have 50 mailing lists but actually I couldn't even have one. Then last Thursday afternoon, the website went offline again. I wrote a help desk request about it first thing Friday morning, and kept watching as it stayed unavailable all weekend. Then on Monday evening the explanation came in - "Our colocation firm was terminated our server, becouse of our some clients fraudelent activity.This is not our fault.Our server was migrated to new place at this time.We have already sent to all clients three messages for these.Our new server is ready.You can use your hosting are with your new password is ......, your username is same.Also, you must upload your content again.Becouse, our ex colocation firm was losted our backup server too. Really sorry for this inconvenience." Well this time it is more than an inconvenience, because they trashed our whole message board and we have to start from scratch. I want to take my business elsewhere now. It's like the old proverb, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." What is the correct response for "Fool me five times?"
So I started looking again, and right away I found
http://www.5gbhosting.com/. They have even cheaper rates than 1uhost.com, but they have a monthly data transfer limit and don't promise the availability of an email list, and their list of features seems incomplete, as though they just built the web page last week. After 1uhost, I'm not so willing to jump in with both feet right away.
Here's the Google directory of hosting companies, and
here's a Yahoo page that is comparable. What I'm looking for is:
1. Mailing list availability. I want to send emails to about 40 members of our Sheriff's Posse, and I want to make one mailing list available to the Search and Rescue guys who are now using Yahoo Groups to send weekly emails to probably a couple of hundred Posse members.
2. Lots of disk space for 1uhost prices or better.
3. A nice control panel with plenty of control over the details.
4. Ability to host several domains and create several subdomains on the same account.
5. php, mySQL, CGI optional, and ASP if at all possible (ASP is rare).
6. Support for message board creation like phpBB or Invision Power Board.
So it might be a tall order, but maybe someone here is using the perfect hosting company.
* crosses fingers *