ehBeth wrote:
If the butter is not inside the sandwich, do you put it on the outside? <truly puzzled by the question>
The question is not complicated. We still put butter on the outside and grill it sometimes (though most people use pan spray I think to cut down on the calories), but who still puts a 100 calories of fat on the inside of their sandwich?
I think what we are looking at is a shift in our sandwich making. When I was young sandwiches were often high fat and high salt, lots of mayo based salad sandwiches (egg, ham, bologna, chicken) which I seldom see anymore, and we were so crazy that we threw a tablespoon of butter in there too. The supermarket deli once could be counted on to have huge pans of this stuff because it was so popular (and the bologna salad was super cheap), now I sometimes see a little chicken salad only.