Wish I could help, same 'brick wall' here with numbers 18 & 24. Any nudge or hint would be appreciated, Googled etc. for hours! Also a nudge/hint for number 8 would be welcome.
Well done! Unfortunately I haven't yet {very 'wide' question}. I can provide hints and nudges for other questions except 24 in return for any clues on 18. I've googled incessantly!
Did you manage to get number 8, I hope hint was useful.
Have finally found answer to 18- a little hint-
Unable to afford spikes ?
Still stuck on 24 !!
Best of luck
8 & 18 now solved, thanks for hints, appreciated. Still had work to do but hints/nudges help focus googling and leads rather than 'red herring' searches. 24 still being looked at.
I am also still looking for answer to 24, any hints appreciated.
0 Replies
glos 10
Tue 25 Mar, 2014 12:08 pm
181 being a prime number has to be 'calculated' by adding or subtracting two numbers that are made up from groups of letters. a=1 b=2 etc.
Would appreciate a hint on 33