Gobby means loudmouthed, especially when that opinion is based on ignorance as Blickers' certainly is.
I actually support the EU, but ignoring the negative consequences of unfettered expansion is lunacy. Prior to 2004, Polish was very much a minority language in the UK. Now it's the second most spoken language after English. At my son's primary school 5 children out of a class of 30 were Polish.
Notwithstanding the benefits that these, mostly, hard working immigrants have brought to this country, there has been a huge cultural shift. The then Labour government severely underestimated the amount of Poles that would come to the UK. The amount they forecast to enter the whole of the UK turned out to be the amount who just came to Southampton.
Southampton has always had a large Polish population, mostly servicemen and their families who decided to stay here rather than live behind the iron curtain after WW2. They were readily assimilated, most had been under British command in the forces, they adopted our customs and spoke English. Their children all have English accents, to all intents and purposes they are English, just with a funny name. This new tranche of Poles are unashamedly Polish, and a lot of people feel threatened, that our country is not our own any more.
For someone to blithely say that all the Ukrainians should be allowed to come over here with no consideration as to the impact that will have, or that Ukraine shouldn't even have to pass economic tests, is inviting anarchy. We have a housing crisis as things stand, and are one of the most densely populated countries on the planet without allowing a load more people in. Such a move could actually destroy the EU.
Certain people need to assume less, and learn a few facts before they start opening their big mouths. I would never presume to tell you how to conduct your immigration policy, other than in a light hearted manner, but Blickers thinks he has the right to dictate top a sovereign nation. And that opinion is based on assumptions, not reality.