Although you may tend to agree with what Fresco said in his response, Klast, I would call to your attention that he is (as usual) suggesting that he knows a fundamental truth about REALITY (one you may very well share, considering the 9the part of your thesis)…but that really amounts to little more than blind guessing on his part.
Neo’s agreement with Fresco…same thing.
Bottom line: I have no idea of what the true nature of the REALITY of existence is…and I suspect no one here does either.
Speculation is fun…and some of the unusual qualities you mentioned are great fun…
…but best always to remind yourself that guessing is guessing…no matter how many people guess the same way.
This should be interesting as a thread…although it covers material that has been covered many, many times earlier.
I like to think of myself as agnostic and as iconoclastic myself.
Welcome and good luck.