What does this mean in Philosophy?

Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 08:19 pm
The Lion's Roar


Bury the bells
Between two mountains
The big trees on the other side
With illuminated leaves shout
I can say nothing
You've been uprooted
It's time to take another road

I will kiss the mouth of reality's face
I will annihilate my hiding place
I will fade into the rising smoke
I hear the lion's roar

Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around
An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced
Now I must take their medicine

I will sharpen the tone on the angel's tongue
And wield a blow to unreality's front
Illusions flow out from this mortal wound
As I wake to the sound of the lion's roar

And from your throat you
You sing to me your secrets
A proclamation
That everything, everything is workable

No resistance
A pathway to the heart
In you I know
How I am born

I hear the lion's roar
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Type: Question • Score: 4 • Views: 2,926 • Replies: 8
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 09:08 pm
DemiGOD asked: What does this mean in Philosophy?

It doesn't mean anything, it's just meaningless philo-babble..Smile
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 09:19 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
This is a heavy metal band and I have no idea what they mean by their lyrics.
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Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 07:39 am
Google: Buddhism the lion's roar (you'll get 130,000 results connected with Buddhist philosophy).
Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 07:52 am

The Lion's Roar

(After hearing the Buddha, many decided to give up the wrong views they previously held regarding their religious way of life.)

The Buddha once said, 'Monks, the lion, king of beasts, at eventide comes forth from his lair. He stretches himself. Having done so, he surveys the four quarters in all directions. Have done that, he utters thrice his lion's roar. Having thrice uttered his lion's roar, he sallies forth in search of prey.

'Now, monks, whatever animals hear the sound of the roaring of the lion, king of beasts, for the most part, they are afraid; they fall to quaking and trembling. Those that dwell in holes seek them; water-dwellers make for the water; forest-dwellers enter the forest; birds mount into the air.

'Then whatsoever ruler's elephants in village, town or palace are tethered with stout leather bonds, they burst out and rend those bonds asunder; void their excrements and in panic run to and fro. Thus potent, is the lion, king of beasts, over animals. Of such mighty power and majesty is he.

'Just so, monks, is it when a Buddha arises in the world, an Arahant, a Perfectly Enlightened One, perfect in wisdom and in conduct, wayfarer, Knower of the worlds, the unsurpassed trainer of those who can be trained, teacher of gods and men, a Buddha, an Exalted One. He teaches the Dhamma; "Such is the nature of concept of Self; this is the way leading to the ending of such a Self.'

'Whatsoever gods there be, they too, on hearing the Dhamma of the Tathagata, for the most part are afraid: they fall to quaking and trembling, saying: 'We who thought ourselves permanent are after all impermanent: that we who thought ourselves stable are after all unstable: not to last, though lasting we thought ourselves. So it seems that we are impermanent, unstable, not to last, compassed about with a Self.' Thus potent is a Tathagata over the world of gods and men. (Anguttara Nikaya).
Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 02:12 pm
I had lunch with three old friends yesterday. They have all completed bouts of chemotheraphy for cancers. I was impressed by their joyful moods, as if they thought they were going to live forever. But upon reflection, I suspect that they are enjoying the realization of their impermanence, a fundamental perspective of Buddhism which one does not have to be a "buddhist" to enjoy.
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Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 02:25 pm
I sure wouldn't call them a metal band, but T2L is correct, this is just some pop song lyrics.
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Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 04:36 pm


Metal act Cynic let loose with Buddhism-influenced “Lion’s Roar”

If you like modern music (metal, specifically) and are interested in Buddhism, you may very well want to know what critically acclaimed metal/progressive music act Cynic is up to.

Well, Cynic mastermind Paul Masvidal has been a committed, thoughtful, artful practitioner of Buddhism for a while now. The title of his band’s new album is just one manifestation of this. That title, Kindly Bent to Free Us, may in fact be familiar to some of you, being that it’s a slight tweak of Kindly Bent to Ease Us, one translation/rendering of the name of a famous dharma text by the fourteenth-century Tibetan teacher Longchenpa. “The Lion’s Roar,” the first track released off KBtFU, seems to have a fairly strong Buddhism connection, too.

In “The Lion’s Roar,” the track’s narrator seems to be making proclamations about making some new commitment to how he/she relates to reality. For example:

It’s time to take another road / I will / kiss the mouth of reality’s face / I will / annihilate my hiding place / I will fade into the rising smoke / I hear the lion’s roar This sort of relationship to reality is what the “lion’s roar” in Buddhism refers to, too. As Bhikkhu Ñanamoli wrote in his introduction to The Lion’s Roar: Two Discourses of the Buddha, “there are two kinds of lion’s roar: that of the Buddha himself and that of his disciples.” The first is “sounded” when the Buddha explains his own accomplishments and realization; the second is sounded when aspirants of the Buddha’s way realize Nirvana themselves.
The late Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (founder of the Shambhala Sun) talked of a Lion’s Roar as well, saying (in part):

The lion’s roar is the fearless proclamation that anything that happens in our state of mind, including emotions, is manure. Whatever comes up is a workable situation; it is a reminder of practice, and it acts as a speedometer. It is a way to proceed further into the practice of meditation.

It’s often that people write metal off as wild, party-time, Woo! music. But going back all the way to its beginnings (if you’ll agree with me that Black Sabbath’s first LP marks said beginning, or is at least darned near close), metal has also utilized its heaviness as a way to give real weight to the more vexing and meaningful aspects of existence. This track from Cynic is just the latest, and I look forward to hearing more.

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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2014 12:08 pm
It's all about shooting your load on a woman's tits.

Bury the bells. Bellend, top of the penis, the helmet.

Between two mountains.
Two tits more like.

The big trees on the other side
With illuminated leaves shout

Obviously she's not got the tidiest of minges.
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