Odd ... Roings is a CWS variant which CWSShredder should deal with, and which AdAware's current datafile should handle as well.
OK ... here's what I think you oughtta do. First, See:
How to update AdAware and
AdAware Full Scan Instructions.. Make sure AdAware is updated to the current file set, which should be Reference File 01R299 22,04.2004 (or later), and configured for full scan. Don't run it yet, just get it set up properly.
Next, delete your current copy of CWSShredder, then create a folder named "CWSShredder", or something similar you will readily recognize, on your hard drive. To create a folder on your hard drive, right-click "My Computer" from your desktop or Start panel, Select "Open", then find, select and open the folder for your C: drive, and from the toolbar in that folder, Select "File", then select "New", then click "Folder". When "New Folder" appears, give it a name you will recognize later. Next, Get the latest version (should be 1.57.0 or later) of
CoolWebShredder and direct the download into that folder. Don't do anything with it yet, just download it into its own folder. Next, create a folder on your hard drive named something like "HiJackThis", and download
HiJackThis into that folder. Again, don't do anything with it yet, just get it.
Now disconnect from the internet and
Start Win2K in Safemode. Find and open the Shredder folder, click on the icon to launch Shredder, select "Fix", and run it.
When it has completed, while still disconnected from the internet, reboot back into safemode and run AdAware, letting it fix whatever it finds. When it has completed, open its configuration and set it to "Run at Windows Startup" (you can deselect that later, but we want Adaware to do a full scan on the next startup. Next, still without connecting to the internet, reboot normally and let AdAware run again, and let it fix anything it finds.
Next, find the HiJackThis folder and select "Config". In the "Main" panel, make sure everything
EXCEPT "Mark everything for fixing ... " is checked. Then Click the "Back" button, and click "Scan". When it has completed, click "Save log". A Notepad window will open, containing the saved log. In the Notepad window's toolbar, select File >Save as, name it something you'll recognize, and save it somewhere you can find it.
Next, connect to the internet, navigate back to this thread, and post the saved log. We oughtta be able to start to figure out any remaining problem from there.
Oh, and check in at
Windows Update and make sure you're all good there, too.