Wed 22 Jan, 2014 09:52 pm
This one is for V.
Imagine with me a world where theism, religious mythologizing, organize religions have been abolished...think of it as a parallel earth.
Now this earth has no Problem of Evil. That's the good news. The bad news is that we still have famine, war, pestilence...
So what now? Is the war, famine or sickness of another, make that an other, a stranger a concern of ours. "Sure", say both the atheist and theist watching from our earth. But the grand inquisitor on the parallel earth retorts: there is no logical reason to do so. Can anyone contradict him? Can anyone provide evidence that he should care, that he should do something? I mean there is no problem of evil because there is no meaning corresponding to the word "evil" as used in our earth. There is only convenience or inconvinient.
This inquisitor plans to kill the entire male population of a small island-state. The women will be treated as booty. What's the justification? Might makes right. I can therefore I will.
Sounds like the inquisitor is extremely pragmatic in a pragmatic world, so no, there is no way to contradict him for what he does on his earth. Maybe Wonder Woman and Big Z could make him change his tone though with an old fashioned "roughin' up"