George wrote:
Holy Moly!
How do you come up with this stuff?
"What's the scariest thing to come out the great state of Massachusetts?"
By sheer force of will!

And too much time on my hands (seen too many movies and TV series and hunted/gathered all of that useless triva to boot)!
Grown Ups 2 2013: The overabundance of immature adults.
Labor Day 2013: The state's fugitives and escaped prisoners on the lam.
Ted 2012: Lascivious talking teddy bears.
American Horror Story 2011: Season 2, Asylum: Briarcliff Mental Institution and the cruel nuns and doctors that ran the place.
Zookeeper 2011: Socially awkward zookeepers.
The Company Men 2010: Corporate downsizers or hatchet men.
Edge of Darkness 2010: Vigilante police detectives.
The Fighter 2010: Overbearing mothers who love their crackhead boxing sons.
Shutter Island 2010: Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane
The Social Network 2010: Snide remark making hoodie wearing billionaires.
The Town 2010: Those Southie bank robbing nuns.
Bride Wars 2009: Bridezillas!
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 2009: Otherworldly exes who know all of your secrets.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2009: Overbearing mall security.
Surrogates 2009: Super sexy real life robotic avatars.
The Departed 2006: The Irish mob.
Fever Pitch 2005: The insane fans of the Red Sox Nation. Or shall I say insanely cool fans of the Red Sox Nation.
Boston Legal 2004: Habitually womanizing lawyers who will cheat and lie to win at any cost.
Legally Blonde 2001: Future blonde lawyers and their superpink kitschy attired chihuahuas.
The Perfect Storm 2000: The weather. Oh gawd! So unpredictable! Always changing no matter what the season!
The Good Son 1993: The wayward child.
Hocus Pocus 1993: Really ugly witches who have a taste for children cooked medium rare.
Malice 1993: Superegotistical doctors with God Complexes.
HouseSitter 1992: The uninvited guest who stays far too long.
Flowers in the Attic 1987: Evil grandmothers.
The Witches of Eastwick 1987: Stunningly beautiful and alluring witches.
Cheers 1982: Evil short waitresses (((cough))) named Carla. (((cough)))
Coma 1978: Boston Memorial Hospital and its umm... innovative health care program.
Jaws 1975: The wildlife.
The Paper Chase 1973: Harvard Professors. Too much homework! Too much school debt!
The Boston Strangler 1968: The title alone should be self explanatory....
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966: Alcoholic parents.