OCCOM BILL wrote:Aside, I find it absolutely disgusting that with all of the wealth in the US, we wouldn't even qualify to join.

It's the
EUROPEAN Union, Bill, and the question here is about the
EU constitution :wink:
In these minutes, Tony Blair was setting out the reasons behind his decision to hold a referendum on the new European constitution in parliament:
Tony Blair opened his statement by saying the foreign secretary would be publishing a white paper on Europe on Tuesday.
European enlargement was a "historic" step and would transform Europe within a few years, said Mr Blair.
"I say unhesitatingly that enlargement is right for Britain and for Europe," the prime minister continued.
Mr Blair said the new-shape Europe had to be centred around "sovereign states".
That meant keeping the national veto on key issues during the negotiations on the new treaty this summer, he said.
Mr Blair said "myths" about the new constitution had been spread by politicians and parts of the media hostile to the project.
It was wrong, for instance, to suggest that the Queen would be replaced as the head of state, said the prime minister.
It was wrong, for instance, to suggest that the Queen would be replaced as the head of state, said the prime minister.
It was already agreed that Britain would keep its right to control its borders, he said, and its criminal justice system was not at stake.
Mr Blair said Parliament should debate the treaty once agreed "then let the people have the final say".
The referendum would focus on the new constitution but its implications would go wider, he argued.
"It is time to resolve whether this country, Britain, wants to be at the centre and heart of European decision making or not," said Mr Blair.
The prime minister finished speaking at 1240 BST, leaving Conservative leader Michael Howard to respond.
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