Mon 19 Apr, 2004 05:04 am
I am in love... Sweet is this feeling, but also it teaches me again and again the true value of the rational thought, and the beauty of life. It is strange how all wise thoughts are useless when only the heart burns hot enough. How rational thought is discarded, and replaced by the childmind. The childmind is the most untamed and honest in one's soul. The oldest and the newest. The gift, from eternity to mankind, wich makes it all endurable. It is with the childmind we love and hate. It is the strongest of all of man's powers. The power wich man himself has not leaned to harness, and wich man and woman still wrestle with. For it is their destiny, and their gift, from mankind to eternity...
Hmmm - that or chemical insanity, selected for to enable children to have two parents for a couple of years!
But yes, the state certainly brings into play much emotion that has to do with our earliest relational experiences - with all their sweetness, intensity, anger and fear - for good or ill!
The Greeks called love the Divine Madness. That may be so, but it does highlight the limitations of Mundane Sanity. I think that is, in part (and apart from the instinctual pressures to reproduce) why we so actively seek the craziness of love, especially new love(s). If we survive all that and reach maturity we may let out a deep sigh of relief. I know I did/do.
Well......I was a slow learner. LOL
This is the reason I vastly prefer marriage. In both of my marriages I have enjoyed the calm peace of married love. Before and between my marriages (my first wife died), I was very vulnerable to the insanity of new love (infatuation). What an exciting but dangerous and flashy intoxicant. Now I sip the quality wine of mature love.
That's beautiful. I'm happy for you and hope to find again that same excited child inside for's been a while!
Very well said KP. I second it. And thanks for the history JL; Divine Madness! I fear I may enjoy the pursuit and subsequent lunacy so much I may never get to enjoy the quality wine of mature love.
I have been married to squinney for almost 16 years. I feel the same lunacy of romance and passion for her today as I did the first time I met her.That's the truth.
Of course, I'm no bastion of maturity.
That's the most encouraging thing I've heard in quite some time BPB. That too is the truth. Thanks for sharing.
I like the term "the divine madness". It somehow implies that it is something even gods are subject to. Makes sense in my uneducated mind that if there was something stronger than a god it would have to be love.
Don't get me wrong folks, even an old happily married coot like me can and does have moments of infatuation with my wife. Sometimes I'm almost intimidated by her looks, but I have no need to depend on that madness. It's mere icing.
Even though I think I've matured, I still enjoy reading the funnies. There's one in particular that has always stayed with me from Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin asks Hobbes what its like to fall in love and Hobbes replies
"Well...say the object of your affection walks by...first your heart falls into your stomach and splashes your innards. All the moisture makes you sweat profusely. This condensation short circuits the brain, and you get all woozy. When your brain burns out all together, your mouth disengages and you babble like a cretin until she leaves."