@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Yes it's fun to speculate and put forward various ideas etc..
As I said, time is a funny thing; for example I was once at home alone aged about 25 up in my room, when I heard the rest of the family arrive home after a shopping trip.
I heard their voices in the street, i heard our gate unlatch, i heard the key going in the front door, and i heard their voices and footsteps spill into the hall.
I went down to greet them but there was nobody there, just me alone in the house.
Later I read in a paranormal book that it's a not-too-uncommon phenomenon and even has a name- 'False Arrival'.
Later the family arrived home for real and I discreetly asked them if they'd been back earlier, and they answered "of course not, what do you mean?", so i said no more.
I regarded it as an intriguing incident, maybe it was a timeslip or auditory hallucination, i just don't know.
After reading about other peoples FA's i think i see a pattern and trigger, for example some were involved in doing something that involved a heavy mental workload at the time, such as doing a firms accounts.
I was concentrating hard on building a fiddly model sailing ship at the time of my own incident.
Altered states aren't a sign of stress, whatever stress is, though we can slip into a state by needing rest. For more see new thread.
Believers often postulate (at least I do) that the creator has fabricated space and time to facilitate our perception of reality. Many think of him as residing in a place called heaven yet simultaneously aware of all events, even a kazillion light years away. Does that make him literally omnipresent, or is some force similar to the Higgs Boson a part of his so called 'holy spirit', making him functionally omnipresent? Is the universe a Higgs Field?
These topics make for interesting speculation and semantic gymnastics. However. IMHO, we must not turn our attention from the fundamental issue of the universe in our time, the issue raised by the serpent in Genesis, chapter 3, namely: Does God have the right to set standards for his creation?
neologist wrote:
Believers often postulate (at least I do) that the creator has fabricated space and time to facilitate our perception of reality. Many think of him as residing in a place called heaven yet simultaneously aware of all events, even a kazillion light years away. Does that make him literally omnipresent, or is some force similar to the Higgs Boson a part of his so called 'holy spirit', making him functionally omnipresent? Is the universe a Higgs Field?
These topics make for interesting speculation and semantic gymnastics. However. IMHO, we must not turn our attention from the fundamental issue of the universe in our time, the issue raised by the serpent in Genesis, chapter 3, namely: Does God have the right to set standards for his creation?
I'm sorry, but are you saying that God lives in space somewhere? seriously? As far as I'm aware it's only atheists who employ that idea.
I remember in school one day the class was seriously arguing whether God was solid liquid or gas!. I imagine you would place yourself in their number? I suppose it's harmless enough, but, you know, ..
If by space you mean the universe, I would have to say yes. As far as his 'substance, Isaiah 40:26 leads me to believe he is some form of energy. As far as his name, Jehovah, he would be considered 'He who causes to become' or 'He who creates', lending more weight to the concept of energy.
JohnJonesCardiff wrote:I'm sorry, but are you saying that God lives in space somewhere? seriously? As far as I'm aware it's only atheists who employ that idea.
Atheists don't employ that idea. They don't even think it.
neologist wrote:
If by space you mean the universe, I would have to say yes. As far as his 'substance, Isaiah 40:26 leads me to believe he is some form of energy. As far as his name, Jehovah, he would be considered 'He who causes to become' or 'He who creates', lending more weight to the concept of energy.
I suppose that there is a level of understanding that makes no distinction between the mystic and the physical, and that everything is held in a sort of Tolkien magical domain, where spirits can get physically assaulted, where energies and thunderbolts fly through the air...cripes.
I honestly thought that it was only the atheists who ever entertained that idea, even if only to deny it.
So I suppose God must be made of matter then, like a big powerful magnet or some other big thing that pushes or pulls or gets things moving.
Very much over, and out.
neologist wrote:If by space you mean the universe, I would have to say yes. As far as his 'substance, Isaiah 40:26 leads me to believe he is some form of energy. As far as his name, Jehovah, he would be considered 'He who causes to become' or 'He who creates', lending more weight to the concept of energy.
JohnJonesCardiff wrote:I suppose that there is a level of understanding that makes no distinction between the mystic and the physical, and that everything is held in a sort of Tolkien magical domain, where spirits can get physically assaulted, where energies and thunderbolts fly through the air...cripes.
I honestly thought that it was only the atheists who ever entertained that idea, even if only to deny it.
So I suppose God must be made of matter then, like a big powerful magnet or some other big thing that pushes or pulls or gets things moving.
Very much over, and out.
I don't see where we have made any connection.
Jesus said-
"God is spirit" (John 4:24)
God said-
"I fill heaven and earth" (Jer 23:23/4)
Paul said
"For in him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28)
So rather than being a "person" in a "place" God is a Force that fills the universe like the water that fills a goldfish bowl, and we're the goldfish..
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Jesus said-
"God is spirit" (John 4:24)
God said-
"I fill heaven and earth" (Jer 23:23/4)
Paul said
"For in him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28)
So rather than being a "person" in a "place" God is a Force that fills the universe like the water that fills a goldfish bowl, and we're the goldfish..
If you call God a material force you risk being seen as an incoherent materialist/superstitionist - where people believe that materials, like forces, are gods,and behave like materials and don't behave like materials Hnece the contradiction or incoherence).
We are not in the same library.
Quote:Romeo wrote: Jesus said- "God is spirit" (John 4:24)
God said- "I fill heaven and earth" (Jer 23:23/4)
Paul said "For in him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28)
So rather than being a "person" in a "place" God is a Force that fills the universe like the water that fills a goldfish bowl, and we're the goldfish..
JohnJones replied: If you call God a material force you risk being seen as an incoherent materialist/superstitionist - where people believe that materials, like forces, are gods,and behave like materials and don't behave like materials Hence the contradiction or incoherence).
Jesus was able to "tap into" that power to perform his 37 "miracles"-
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" (Matt 28:18)
"After Jesus spent the night in prayer, everybody tried to touch him because POWER was coming from him" (Luke 6:12-19)
Jesus said - "Someone touched me, I know that POWER has gone out from me." (Luke 8:46}
And we too can "touch" Jesus by logging onto him to get a 'feelgood power download', just mumbling a few words now and again will get us connected, even if it's just "Jesus remember me", whenever we're feeling tired, lonely, fed up..
"Praise to the Lord, to him who rides the ancient skies above,
whose power is in the skies." (Psalm 68:33-34)
The three physical laws of motion that were discovered by Sir Isaac Newton are shown as below: -
1st Law of Motion
Every object in a state of consistent motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force applied to it.
2nd Law of Motion
It is pertaining to the relationship between an object’s mass, its acceleration, and the applied force. In this law, the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
3rd Law of Motion
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Generally speaking, there are two categories of motion i.e. the constant and the variable motion. When we mention that a rising force of something would generate a new equal opposing force, such as the Newton’s third law of motion, we are actually referring to a process of action and reaction under a circumstance of constant motion (constant opposing forces). In other words, we could mention that the come factor is equal to the become factor: -
Come factor = Become factor
However, under a circumstance of variable motion, the opposing forces would orientate in a unique harmonising mechanism, such as the Newton’s second law of motion, shown as below: -
Scenario 1 - Acceleration
When come factor accelerates, the relative become factor would decelerate: -
Force A come ↑ Force A become ↓
For example, the thought experiment of twin paradox which concerns a twin who flies off in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light and returns to discover that his or her twin sibling has aged much more. This scenario depicts the circumstance of time dilation in Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Literally, the acceleration of spaceship would decelerate the becoming process of the twin who sits inside it. The deceleration of the becoming process would mean the slowing down of the aging process for the same twin. In other words, the mental and the physical progression of the twin who sits inside the spaceship would slow down relatively.
Scenario 2 - Deceleration
When come factor decelerates, the relative become factor would accelerate: -
Force A come ↓ Force A become ↑
For example, if the speed of the car decreases, it is literal to speak of deceleration; mathematically, it is acceleration in the opposite direction to that of motion and vice versa. Besides, this scenario explicates that a physically sick or a mentally stressful individual is advisable to go for a full resting at home or a cool vacation elsewhere for this state of affairs would decelerate the come factors in or around the same individual. Consequently, the process of recuperation on the same individual, both mentally and physically, would speed up.
Time and Space
Frankly speaking, time is something that is created; not born (a non-natural existence). Time is an indicator for event; whereas length, width and height are indicators for size and volume. All these indicators belong to a category named as dimension. In other words, dimension is created for the task of measurement per se and therefore, not something that arises out naturally.
On the other hand, space is a natural element in the realms of existence; just like the elements of energy and matter. Space is merely a plane for all the activities or existences i.e. the orientation of energy or matter under the conditional phenomena.
In other words, when no events or activities taking place, time and space would cease to exist.
What actually happens to an object under accelerating motion?
When an object is set under an accelerating motion, the becoming process of the object would be stretched as compared with a relative object that is set under a constant or a decelerating motion. In other words, the becoming process of the object has been slowed down comparatively; not the time has been dilated or slowed down. Time would only assume the expression that the becoming process has slowed down and not the other way round.
Literally, the slowing down of the becoming process would mean the slowing down of the aging process for a sentient being. This is the correct understanding behind the thought experiment of twin paradox which concerns a twin who flies off in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light and returns to discover that his or her twin sibling has aged much more.
The principle in effect: -
Time is an expression that becoming process exists,
Becoming process is not an expression that time exists.
Similarly, the word of time has been used frequently for expressing different scenario of becoming processes, such as follows: -
NO TIME = an expression of no opportunity for a new becoming process to begin.
TIME TO TIME = an expression of moving from the past to the present becoming process; the present to the future becoming process.
TIME PASSED SLOWLY = an expression of hoping for a faster becoming process.
TIME DILATION = an expression that the becoming process slows down.
Once again, time is a dimension because it is a scale of measurement created for gauging the events. Therefore, time could not be self-sustainable and has no entity. When there is no becoming process, there is no time.
Quote:Takso said: Newtons 1st Law of Motion - Every object in a state of consistent motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force applied to it.
Incidentally have scientists discovered what inertia is?
For example why doesn't a bowling ball stop dead when it leaves our hand?
We know it rolls onward because of the inertia in it, but what IS inertia?
Is inertia some kind of energy in the ball?
@Romeo Fabulini,
Inertia generally refers to an object’s amount of resistance to change in velocity.
Everything or anything (physical or non-physical) that exists is nothing but energy. And energy is nothing but a mere element of vibration. The basic level of a matter is energy. The basic level of energy is vibration. Therefore, matter is a vibrating mass of energy in which the different frequency of vibration would determine the shape and the size of it.
According to the Chinese philosophy, everything has both the yin and yang aspects. Yin and yang are actually complementary but opposing forces interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; thus bringing forth a dynamic system existing in harmony. In other words, when there are opposing forces, there would be vibration. The alternate movement of the opposing forces would generate a pattern of waves oscillating up and down in continuum. This is the main reason for all the repeating cycle of rising and falling activities that one could witness in the dependent nature.
Every existence (sentient, non-sentient, or any material things) consists of energy and matter that would orientate towards a balance condition and in accordance with the equilibrium law of nature. In other words, all things would only exist in perpetual conditions when there is a balance circumstance. Balance is generally defined as a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc; a condition of being steady; a state of equilibrium or parity characterised by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces; a harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design.
Thus when things run off-balance or when one stirs up in any circumstances the natural law would take its course to balance it in one way or another across time and the plane of existence. This natural law is also known as the law of balancing (inertial force) - a natural phenomenon law that is not shaped by someone else; no one owns it. It is merely a law of balancing for all things in order to attain the circumstance of equilibrium in the nature.
Thanks. As a matter of interest how would you answer the old riddle-
"What would happen if an irresistible force met an immoveable object?"
@Romeo Fabulini,
Can you clarify a bit what is an irresistible force? Example?
It's a riddle, don't take it too seriously!
Isaac Asimov gave the answer in one of his books, i'll post what he said later..
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Quote:Romeo wrote: Jesus said- "God is spirit" (John 4:24)
God said- "I fill heaven and earth" (Jer 23:23/4)
Paul said "For in him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28)
So rather than being a "person" in a "place" God is a Force that fills the universe like the water that fills a goldfish bowl, and we're the goldfish..
JohnJones replied: If you call God a material force you risk being seen as an incoherent materialist/superstitionist - where people believe that materials, like forces, are gods,and behave like materials and don't behave like materials Hence the contradiction or incoherence).
Jesus was able to "tap into" that power to perform his 37 "miracles"-
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" (Matt 28:18)
"After Jesus spent the night in prayer, everybody tried to touch him because POWER was coming from him" (Luke 6:12-19)
Jesus said - "Someone touched me, I know that POWER has gone out from me." (Luke 8:46}
And we too can "touch" Jesus by logging onto him to get a 'feelgood power download', just mumbling a few words now and again will get us connected, even if it's just "Jesus remember me", whenever we're feeling tired, lonely, fed up..
"Praise to the Lord, to him who rides the ancient skies above,
whose power is in the skies." (Psalm 68:33-34)
I suppose some people will have an intuition about God and translate it into the ideas they believe in but don't know much about, like science.
So these people will think, for example, that God is made of scientific materials like electricity, chemicals, solids and gases, etc., and lives in space somewhere, perhaps on a planet or among the stars.