<kicky slips on blood from littlek's leg and lands on his own broken bottle>
<pour bottle of french perfume all over kicky...crowd roars...kicky runs to rest room>
Humm...see how this is going to go.....
Come on LIL K, kick his ass........and I'll get the other one..
Bashes Kicky in the head with her fist, grabs up Adrian and head butts him........
They're out numbered - unless one of you defects!
<coughs blood>
Well I'm afraid I must now leave. (No bull I've got a bloody meeting to go to.)
<Bows to kicky, colorbook and littlek. Takes dirt encrusted eye out of pocket, blows it off and sticks back into it's bloodied socket. Leaves>
LOL..... I think we can take'm
<follow kicky to restroom...push his head in water> Flush!!!
Keep on flushin' girl.........Give him a taste!!!
Shoves Adrian into the other toilet......
Come on Lil K....start Kickin' him........LOL
<littlek rips open a bag of hot pink feather which cover kicky's wet, french parfumed head>
Don't fall for it ladies!
Whoops........I think we made Adrian late for his meeting.....LOl
Ok, I'm leaving this post......too rough for me!
See ya Shiver, thanks for the back up!
<Kicks out backwards, knocking them all into the bathroom mirror behind them...glass shattering>
(I'm lmao, and my husband is looking at me with these big eyes.......ROTF
<lilk slowly approaches kicky with a bar rag for his croccodile tears. When she gets a couple feet away, she snaps it on his ass>
Anytime LittleK........anytime