Wed 14 Apr, 2004 10:46 am
This has stumped me for some time now... Everything is as is...
A beast made of metal
A guard without tire
One 5-letter command word
Its only desire.
Large shield with an inscription in the middle, and random letters across the top and bottom:
Top: T M D V N F W O G
Inscription: Come Human, Die by Sword or Spear
Bottom: X P J Z Q K A R L C
That's it... I have tired letter elimination, clocking, codes... I am stuck.
Thanks for the help.
Oh... and "Order" does not work...
It may be important that no letter appears twice in the top or bottom strings of letters. The unused letters are B E H I S U Y. If you remove all the letters B, E, H, I, S, U, Y from "Come Human, Die by Sword or Spear", you are left with
Could "orpar" be the answer?
Excellent way to look at it!
I'll check soon and let you know
It worked! Many thanks! *bows*
BTW, are you enjoying Neverwinter Nights? I've got it, but have never installed or played it. I'm still playing with BGII-SoA.
Oh yes - this particular riddle came from an online server I play on.
In fact, that was only 1 in a series of puzzles. I will have to post the next one I am stuck on in a bit
NWN destroys BGII
So, I take it "Neverwinter Nights" is a computer game?
Yuh-huh . . . long story . . . a writer named Salvatore created a fantasy world which was very popular--so much so that now others write the books with his imprimatur. A design studio, Black Isle, got together with the Wizards of the Coast, who have proprietary rights in Dungeons and Dragons. Using Salvatore's fantasy world, and second edition D & D rules, they created one of the most vivid and entertaining of RPG's--Role Playing Game. It uses the Infinity engine as the game program, and it is marketed by Interplay games. Neverwinter is one of the cities of Faerun ("Fay-roon"), the planet in Salvatore's fantasy world.
Actually, Faerun wasn't created by Salvatore, but by an Ed something-or-other. Salavatore has written many books set in teh world of Faerun, most notably the Drizz't books...But regardless of that it a very interesting world. And unfortunately I cannot run NWN...sigh
Oh, sorry - NWN is a computer game based off of the Dungeons and Dragons world of Faerun, which was created by Ed Stark - and modified/expanded by many other auothors/game designers.
And thanks again for the help guys - I finished all 6 riddles/quests befroe anyone else... got a cool prize for it too.
Like I said: Erudite horse
Thanks, Ciaphas, i didn't know that Salvatore was not the creator of Faerun . . . i'm not a reader of fantasy novels, so i was depending upon what others had told me. I do love the games, though.