Sat 30 Nov, 2013 08:32 pm
I live in Milton,Ontario, Canada. 8 years ago I called the RCMP on a gang called the hells angels motorcycle gang. Since then I've been starved from 205 pounds to 107 pounds, tor tured, ra ped, attempted murder given cancer through the food being tampered with, and apparently AIDs through the ra pes. The police do not help me, they help the gang, no one in the community helps me, they take part, and enjoy it. I couldn't imagine having this happen in the modern world. The hells angels are a satanist gang, at the pickton farm in BC they sacrificed 75 women to the devil, and the forensic evidences matches this the women's skulls were made into stat antic ritual skulls. If someone would eliminate all of the HA members I would see this as a good thing, but not if any innocent people would be hurt. If you were waging war on the Masonic satanists, you should know the hells angels biker gang is with them and the root of all of the societies problems, drugs, child sex slavery, adult female sex slavery, and has involved the entire Community in ra pe, tor true, harassment, attempted murder and debilitation, for 8 years now, they have corrupted nearly every one and all of the police. The most I can do is keep doing my best to end them, I already have cancer and AIDs, but I have a corrupt cop due in court on December 11th. If someone decides to read my story and do something, which isn't my choice, please do not harm any innocent people, thank you.