Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 12:32 pm
OK, Canajuns, whaddayathink?

I'll start by just observing that it looks like the election campaign has already been underway for a week or more . . .
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Type: Discussion • Score: 5 • Views: 7,851 • Replies: 49
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 03:57 pm
the anti-Iggy ads started a couple of months ago

I can't wait to get my hands on the nearest Conservative candidate and peel some paint off them for wasting my time running those offensice ads

gawd I hate the Conservatives

I hope the Globe finally goes through with outing Lurene. It'll make Steven look even worse for his comments.
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:20 pm
Hey look!

Some Republican has tagged this thread "sanctimonios drivel".

You can tell it was a Republican, because he Americanised the spelling of "sanctimonious" by leaving out the 'u' ! Rolling Eyes
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:27 pm
watching the Global, CBC and A channel news so far tonight, the general consensus from the street is we didn't need this election now, i think the parties responsible are gonna bear the brunt of the derision

one small mercy, they say it will all be over by the first few days of May, none of that almost year of campaigning the poor Americans have to endure
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:32 pm
djjd62 wrote:
i think the parties responsible are gonna bear the brunt of the derision

since the Conservatives are apparently the first parliametary government ever found in contempt of parliament, I hope they get taken down

I'm definitely going to be talking to people about this

I don't care for Iggy, but I do like most of the Liberal candidates on offer around here

I still prefer Duceppe to any of the other party leaders.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:42 pm
Can you imagine him or the conservatives calling Gretzky's Canadian status into question, or any of the acts that were at headlined the Olympics?
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:42 pm
ehBeth wrote:

the anti-Iggy ads started a couple of months ago

2 months ago? Laughing Laughing Laughing

Heck, I remember some of those being run last year!!!

I am so sick of it. Sad
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:45 pm
They're the same ads they ran last year and the year before. They went back into heavy rotation in the new year.

The negative ads are not going to get my vote. What they did do is really focus my intense dislike of the Conservatives.
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:50 pm
Agreed! I'm really tired of political ads like that.

I'm getting into voter fatigue. 4 federal elections in 7 years. Sad

In B.C. this year = federal election, provincial election (probably), HST referendom, municipal elections. Sad Sad Sad
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 05:56 pm
Oylok wrote:

Some Republican has tagged this thread "sanctimonios drivel".

It's gone now, as expected. Laughing

I'm not Canadian, so I'll leave this thread to my northern neighbours.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 06:08 pm
I voted in the 2nd last federal election in AB, along with both provincial and municiple. Then I moved to BC, voted in a By-election, and federal election and now I have to get ready for the polls again. Really, really sick of it all. I'm tired of voting in a province that is colour blind, blue, blue, blue. There are only two areas that even consider voting for anything else, I live in one, the other's on across the river. Same old cronies, same old story. The funniest thing is, the Tories always run under the umbrella that they are saving us money, huh? Why can't they just do their freaking jobs. They've prorogued government twice for no other reason than saving their asses and all these idiots will vote them back in. A Prime minister who shows absolute contempt for the voter and due process and he'll be voted in again. Just makes me want to puke.
I have a friend who's a editorial cartoonist, and he's so pissed off. You'd think he'd be happy with the opportunity for more fodder, but he's considering running the old cartoons just for spite.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 07:02 pm
Yech, I'm with you. But I have a dilemma. I can't stand Harper, whatsoever, for a multitude of reasons, but I don't want Iggy in, either. There are better Liberals than he who could be running the show. I don't see much diff between Harp and Ig, personally. So how do I vote? Damn! Voting anything else is a throw-away vote that we can't really afford right now, but I just cannot vote for the Liberals in this case. I may have to abstain.
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 08:16 pm
Mame wrote:
... Voting anything else is a throw-away vote that we can't really afford right now ...

I won't disagree with you.

I'm a life-long NDP supporter. Does that mean I believe in everything that they do or stand for? Of course not. I can't stand neither the Conservatives or Liberals, and I feel I should vote, and I believe that (for me) the NDP are closest to my thinking.

And I've never brought myself to vote for the Green party. Now, that's a throw-away vote. Wink
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2011 08:27 pm
You guys are lathering up the screen. I havent been into Canajia for over a year now so could someone please talk slowly and give this slow headed Merkin some background . Why the election and what are the issues therein?
Im sorry but Im ignorant of the whole story (Ive not been listening to ST John CBC either).

Dont just talk amongst yerselves and then critique US MErkins for bein so dum. Ill plead iggerance and Id like to be explained to.

Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 02:22 am
It appears that Harper and the Conservatives think they can improve their standing in the House of Commons. They are a minority government. That means that although they got more seats than anyone else, they don't have 51%. When they offer certain pieces of legislation, it is a matter of confidence. If the legislation doesn't pass, it's considered evidence of no confidence in the government. The budget is one such matter. Complicating this issue, one of the Conservative ministers has been charged with contempt of Parliament, and the Conservative Party in general has been found to be in contempt of Parliament for releasing false numbers about the true cost of their budget. Ignatieff, the leader of the Liberal Party, hurried to vote no confidence on the issue of contempt of Parliament rather than the automatic no confidence vote for failing to pass the budget, in order to taint the Conservatives with the contempt of Parliament issue.

Regardless of why it is voted, if the House votes no confidence in the government, the PM has to go to the Governor General to ask for a dissolution of Parliament, after which there will be an election.

Harper wanted this election. Because why? Because he thinks that he can improve the position of the Conservative Party even if he can't get a majority. I say this because there was a matter of some two billion dollars for Québec, which Harper promised, publicly, to hand over, but which he refused to put it in the budget. If he had put it in the budget, the Bloc would have voted for the budget, and there would have been no automatic no confidence vote. So Harper definitely wanted this election, because he deliberately avoided taking action which would have passed his budget, no question.

I think he was kind of blind-sided by this contempt of Parliament issue, but i don't think he's frightened by it. He's an arrogant bastard, and he'll confront the issue and try to turn it against the Liberals.
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 04:02 am
Thanks, now what about the "No Dissolution" that you stated at the opening?
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 04:09 am
I made no such statement, the thread title is "No confidence and dissolution." The Parliament is dissolved (or will be this afternoon) because a motion of no confidence was brought and passed yesterday.
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 04:16 am
Oh , I see. The no-confidence vote yields an automatic dissolution of PArliament. I did not realize that. Oughta be good spoirt then. What does Harper do in the interim after dissolution and the reconstitution of a new PArliament "poswt election"?
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 04:25 am
Well, now they have an election campaign, and i believe the vote will be on May 2nd. If he comes back with the most seats, but still has a minority government, his budget could fail to pass again. In that case, he could ask to prorogue Parliament (and really piss everybody off), or two of the other parties could attempt to form a coalition, and go to the Governor General to say that they want to form a government. That was supposed to have happened last year, but the Liberals and the NDP were a shaky coalition, so Harper succeeded in convincing the Governor General to prorogue Parliament (send 'em home for a time out, no new election). When they came back, Harper basically caved on most of the objections to his budget, wouldn't admit it, and got it passed. It will be interesting.
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 04:53 am
Would it ever come to real gridlock? I recall the pre-Meech LAke accords when Iwe were setting up living quarters at a project site in in LAbrador many years ago. THings were getting downright ugly.

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