The Bible contains parts which:
- I could not defend in any sort of a debate (virgin birth, "book of revelations" etc.)
- I could defend the basic story but not the religious interpretation (the flood, the plagues of Egypt, the tower of Babel etc.) In those cases you need to separate the story from the interpretation.
- Stories which are totally alien to our own experience but which I could nonetheless defend.
Being heard from after death falls into that last category. There are three such stories in the Bible which stand out i.e. the ghost story involving Saul, Samuel, and the "Witch of Endor", the tale of Lazarus, and the tale of Jesus' own Resurrection. All of those stories are totally ballpark for the phenomenon which Julian Jaynes describes in "Origin of Consciousness".
In other words, there is no way in which Jesus returned in a real, physical body but, to those who experienced the thing, it was utterly indistinguishable from that.