sweet and sour veggies are the best . Cornbread is a must if you make a nice gravy and, of course, mashed taters or a nice stuffing . USE a rack for the duck to keep it up. Cookit fast and high Temp. (475 at 10 min per pound)
1Make sure the duck is at room temp to begin
2heat the oven first
3wrap the leg ends and wing tips in aluminum foil until about 15 min to finish
NOW, the duck.
IMHO, we always get a SCOVY DUCK from a butcher or a farm. The ducks they sell in the supermarket (unless fresh killed and available from a farm/market contract0 really suck. These are what they call the "Long Island Duck" strain and they are quickly grown and, as Edgar said, don't have a lot of meat.
The Scovy is able to feed a family and give you some bit of leftovers to make a delicious DUCK SOUP (This is where the best Goldina broth is made for Jewish holidays)
Most chefs like to cut the duck up and do the pieces separately because certain parts will (they say) get done at different times. With a scovy duck, we never have any problems
I wish we were having a duck instead of a turkey but we will be on the road this year and I think well be eating Thanksgiving dinner along with the drilling crews and I know the company is getting turkeys