Here's another answer I got from the marketplace, this time via a phone call.
I had asked this question originally during the chat, but I didn't believe that answer was correct, so I called, further explained, and got the correct answer....
My question was re Social Security benefits.
My husband receives SS, and I asked whether it was the gross amount of earnings, or the lower amount after doing the IRS SS worksheet, which figures the taxable amount. This question was asked during the same chat session as the question above.
The chat representative said it was the gross amount.
Thinking about it, that didn't make sense to me, as I'm reading income is based on your modified adjusted gross income, which would be the lower, taxable amount.
I called the answer line, got through within 30 seconds and was told it was indeed, the lower, adjusted amount.
While it's disappointing that I feel I was told an incorrect answer on the chat page, overall I felt I received very good service.
While talking to the representative I told her I thought she was doing a great job and that I knew she was in a difficult position right now.
She hesitated, then thanked me, saying "yes, we get a lot of abustive calls" So I told her that on the next call she gets like that, to remember that there are people who appreciate that they as individuals are working hard and doing a good job. She said "You've really made my day"
I think it sucks that someone could call and rant to the customer service person as if they are personally responsible for problems on the website, when they are trying to do a job and support their own families.
That's infantile.