Tue 12 Nov, 2013 07:54 pm
Do you know if you have an HMO PPO or POS? Do you have individual deductibles and family deductibles. and co-pays. What is the difference. What is Precertificaiton, and authorization. Whats the difference? What does"maximum benefit allowed" really mean? What is a limited benefit Policy?
I know about the HMO and PPO type of health insurances and both has huge difference in their care services. PPO gives the best and fast treatment and access services. It is very important for everyone to have health insurance. If you don't have insurance and you have to go to hospital, you'll have to pay over $20,000.That happened to a friend of mine.
CPAT30 wrote:
Do you know if you have an HMO PPO or POS?
I do. I also know about many other things about my policy, which is over 200 pages long and by the way not well written.
Do alcoholics have to pay more?
Do individuals who don't excercise 150 min per week have to pay more?
Do depressed individuals have to pay more?
Do 80+ year old folks, who drive cars, have to pay more?
Do pre-menopausal women have to pay more than postmenopausal women?
Do men who shave their heads and women who dye their hair have to pay more?
Do you know the answers to these pressing questions?
Before pursuing of getting an insurance, you have to be familiar with the term and coverages first. Of course, this is for your own protection as well. I guess everyone knows their responsibilities with regards to it. As for me, I tried to go over with the coverages, review it as much as possible even how many pages it covers. And I asked help from my lawyer too if there are terms and conditions I don't have any knowledge with. For me, this is the best thing to do I guess.