Fri 8 Nov, 2013 05:34 am
Regret is about blaming yourself for a bad decision
It's like having a list of bad decisions in your subconscious
it's not thought about, it's just that if a decision is blamed on the self,
then anger can result,
why does a person feel shame?
Do we police ourselves with shame? I think that a person learns that shame controls effects, so they learn to feel shame to control their surroundings
And so they worry when there is shame, and they don't worry when there is no shame
And what is shameful or not is based on many things,
For me shame is based on blame, for others it might be different,
So your mind learns to let in pain based on shame and keep out pain based on no shame,
If there is something that you did that can cause you shame, or rather that is shameful according to your standards, then you will automatically (without deciding about it) absorb the pain of the results, as though there is a memory bank of decisions which decides whether to let in pain or not that has little or nothing to do with your conscious mind.
Homosexuality is when there is too much pain that can be absorbed with women.
Pedophilia is when there is too much pain that can be absorbed with women or men that are of a certain age.
Paranoia is when there is too much pain that can happen as a result of something. Rosiness is the opposite.
When there is pain that can be absorbed, the more it can be absorbed, the more the brain will believe it will happen, to make you do something to avoid it for safety of the mind.
That is what homosexuality is, the brain makes you go to men to avoid going to women and absorbing pain.
I think it's all about whether you would feel shame. If you would feel shame, the pain of a situation is absorbed. So homosexuality is from too much shame with a woman. And pedophilia is from too much shame with a woman your age. And sociopath disorder is from not feeling shame. But the mechanism is subconscious. It can be affected at the source, not in transit.
If I were to receive just punishment for a decision which I feel shame for, then I would no longer feel shame for it, and I would no longer let in the pain from it. If I would let in too much pain, from feeling too much shame, that's what depression is. Perhaps bipolar is a switch between too much and too little shame in cycles.
Letting in pleasure is about predictability, either based on time or on effort,
That is why children act up when they have only been given random attention, they want to let in the pleasure of predictable attention, even if it is bad attention, at least it is predictable.
So the glass half full or half empty is based on predictability of pleasure and on shame.
How much shame you feel can be affected based on how comfortable you are, after food you are less likely to be angry,
Anger is based on people coming close to your shame,
A possible result of this is that gay men are more homosexual when they are uncomfortable. Although it might be that gay men feel more shame when they are comfortable, I'm not sure.
The thought experiment is Man's Search for Meaning is based on changing how much shame you would feel,
The more we would let pain in if something happened, the more we believe it would happen, that is what paranoia is, the opposite is rosiness.
Shame in one area can cause a lack of shame in another.
Shame also seems to have connections with the physical, for example, if you were to let in pain due to finishing quickly during intercourse then you would more likely finish quickly, so it is something that is a system that is connected to certain parts of the mind.
Acquired Tastes are about whether a person would let in pain due to worrying about how high the limit of pain is, if you don't worry about the limit (as well as if you know that there is a definite limit), then you will stop to let in the pain and start to be able to focus on the good.
If you are worried about the limit and taste something, you will automatically assume the worst to protect yourself by assuming the worst and dealing with it rather than assuming something mild and perhaps getting surprised.
Passion I believe is when you do not let in the pain of losing, you only take in the good from an activity.
When you have choice, there is a chance for shame, and when there is shame, there is a worry about the limit of pain because pain can be absorbed. But for example, when wearing sunglasses, joy is increased, because decisions of where to move the eyes don't matter as much.
When you have such desire to take advantage of a position of power, you feel there is no shame in it, you convince yourself momentarily or for some time that there is no shame. You might think there is so little shame (again, the process of considering things as shameful or not is subconscious, it is under the system, it's not an active decision necessarily) that you don't even consider the consequences, rather than simply not think they will manifest. That is beyond rosiness. Rosiness is where you don't believe that bad things can happen. Beyond rosiness is where you don't even consider that they could happen. If you don't think bad things can happen, why would you feel guilt?
Letting in shame or not also can increase performance. Actors for example who do not let in pain from acting do better than others. Also, if you were to need to swerve out of the way of a car, you would most probably do better than if you were trying to showboat.
If you ever stop, relax, and actually decide to do something that you were already in the process of doing, you might start thinking about things in terms of what the essence of that thing is. You might start demanding less of yourself in big ways and just start to look at the basics and try to get them right.
If a person is of a certain skin tone, what do they consider shameful and what do they not? Perhaps the bigger things are all relatively the same, perhaps not. But at the lower levels it can cause distinctions, and therefore differences in behavior.
Got your philosophy 101 wrong?
Just a correction I'd like to add, it is about whether you would regret pain.
Just a note on homosexuality, it is actually nobility, subconscious nobility, that causes a person to be homosexual in the specific circumstances that cause a person to become homosexual or have another effect. If your mother dressed you up like a girl and then later made fun of you for it slightly, then you either constantly hate her for emotionally abusing you in a passive agressive way, or you blame yourself for it to deal with the pain. But if you blame yourself then there is shame, and there is shame that you don't understand because you did not do anything wrong in your opinion other than not fight back against the mother you love. It is nobility that causes a man to then become homosexual. Otherwise you would probably become sociopathic.