Well, Clary, I wasn't posing there, I was just trying to change film rolls and saw my picture was being taken and tried to not fall apart. I think I look a little dracula-ish, and that is soooo not me, at least on purpose. Still, past all that, it is a little iconic, hah.
I would like to run my photos by people before I post them. Will have to figure out how to do that. Perhaps I will attach them as emails. Hasta manana!
Lola, look in the Forum help Forum, I think it tells how there...
c.i., Great pics !
Especially Osso on her throne and the soaring lobby.
PS Mrs c.i. and I didn't merely TRY to climb the bridge...we CLIMBED it.
Osso, I concur with your description of Mrs. c.i.
Incidentally, I was the lucky one in the Japanese garden walk as I was with the c.i.'s with their extensive knowledge of Japan and things Japanese.
Hmm, I thought I posted a long tome about Saturday in SF.. and can't find it. Wonder if it is perched on another topic confusing all who come across it.....
We do have two threads on this subject going at once. Maybe we should try to combine them. I think is may be confusing to some. If not confusing, at least unnecessary to have both.
Lola wrote:Osso,
We do have two threads on this subject going at once. Maybe we should try to combine them. I think is may be confusing to some. If not confusing, at least unnecessary to have both.
Threads can't be combined as far as I remember.
I didn't start this 'I just called to say I love you' thread to supplant the San Francisco thread. It just took on a life of it's own.
Can it be closed (to new postings) and then linked to the San Francisco thread?
ossobuco wrote:Hmm, I thought I posted a long tome about Saturday in SF.. and can't find it. Wonder if it is perched on another topic confusing all who come across it.....
Osso...go to your profile page. Under total posts, there is a highlighted line that says "find all posts by ossobuco." Click on that. It will bring up a list of all your posts, with the most recent at the top. You'll be able to see which thread you posted it on.
What fun! Thanks so much for posting pix! You all look so happy and relaxed!
You're right, Eva, I can do that. I fear I threw that long post out.
I have been thinking of putting all my sort of diary posts into one back on the SF meet thread. Hmm, once I find them, heh. Plus I only got to Saturday afternoon, lots more to write.
JJorge, that picture of you and Mrs. CI crossing that bridge is priceless.
jjorge I guess you found out we love you back!
AHA, I found it (them), the posts from the hotel business room, they're back on page three in this thread. I'll edit them a bit - I keep remembering stuff - and then continue with the saga, and also compile them over on the SF thread.
Got most of my pictures back today, they were sadly deficient.. not, as I expected that they were poor because of my floundering with the duct-taped battery chamber while I was dialing lens type or playing with the light meter, but because either the film was strange or the processing was... they are very non sparkly. Am tempted to run them through the Rite Aid photo department a second time. Yes, yes, I need to get a digital camera. Just heard today about a nikon digital that uses regular nikon lenses.. at something like $1000. Right away I want one. Tapping fingers..
Still, there are a few goodies among the dreck. I even got a photo of the King George hotel, in case anyone is sentimental. There's a nifty one of 4 a2kers going into the Vesuvio, just down from City Lights bookstore. Domani...
everyone looks just grand, except c.i., who seems to have broken the camera when it came his way, cuz i don't see any c.i. pix
soooo, i have to admit, that i am always amazed to see what really attractive real-life partners on-line friends have. mrs. pdid is gorgeous, just gorgeous. and mrs. c.i., you've just got to want to meet her and talk to her from those pix. c.i. is always posting how lucky he was that she picked him. i really get it now.
ossobuco wrote:
JJorge, that picture of you and Mrs. CI crossing that bridge is priceless.
priceless? I would've said about $9.95
Ten cuidado, hay amores que matan!
hmmm... I already posted this on Edgar's 'spontaneous Poems' thread, but I guess I should put it here too.*
Owed to the San Francisco Gathering
These good kind faces,
These hours of play,
These sparkling places,
These three short days.
These few small hours,
This azure bay,
This thing of ours:
This A2K.
* [size=7]Why annoy just SOME of the people when you can annoy ALL of them![/size]
jjorge, I'm glad you shared it with us here. We would have missed this gem, otherwise.

Your verse says so much with so few words.
Well, that's just perfect. Can you improve on that?
Sorry, was funnin' you, jjorge...
Quiet quips among the quaffs,
silver threads shot with laughs,
a weave of disparate minds,
blend by hands clasping blind,
a leap by air, sped by porshe
falls to float by the sky of azure
to the city on hills netting the bay
walking talking gesticulating A2K.