jjorge - that was wonderful. Thanks for the update. I really wish this trip could have worked out for me. I can't believe it's been more than a year since I saw Diane. Two years ago, this week, we were at a get-together in Tucson. A wonderful wonderful memory.
Tell us more about this one. Pleeeeeeeease.
Gosh I would love to meet Diane to and almost did last year but alas I was not able to stay in Colorado or get to the New Mexico meeting because of car troubles.
All the very best for next hours of this meeting - enjoy!!!
(We'll have smaller ones [sic!] in merry old England next month.)
And thanks for these updates, jjorge! (Happy Easter, btw, to all :wink: )
Jjorge: I'm just posting to say thank you for such a nice thread and to wish all you folks in San Francisco a wonderful fun-filled gathering.
Thanks Jorge! I hadn't realized the SF gathering was this weekend! Yes, pictures please, and more details!
Hugs all round from me too, wish I could be there to lift the glass of friendship and quaff the wine of wit with you all!
I'm just a little envious, since I'll get to meet some muricans next week! But still, virtual toasts from here, too!
Hi again jjorge. I wonder, is the Coffee Gallery in business still?
The Mrs joined us in SF, and she has to go to work tomorrow and came down with a cold, so we came home a bit earlier than originally planned. We'll miss tonite's dinner with this wonderful group from all across the US - PDid and Mrs, osso, Diane, Bob, and jjorge. We really spent some quality time talking, eathing drinking.....and joking. When one adds the special venues of San Francisco to the mix, it becomes more special. Give me a little time to download a few pictures from my digital, and I'll post them soon. Just one note before I end this post; I really find it amazing how A2Kers are so above the average in being great people with intellect and humor. Just gotta say, you all that missed it this time really missed a good un.
I hope MrsCI is feeling better soon! Thanks for the update, CI.
Last picture before we said our goodbyes.
Holy cow! Didn't know I posted the whole GG bridge on 'lil ole A2K.

Will shrink and repost.
It's a great picture, c i , bridge and all, but could you tell us (who don't know you) who is who, from left to right??
URS you are not in bed Yet!!!! Like me you have some butterflies in the tummy?
That's Diane on left and jjorge on the right.... I assume mrs CI is to the left of jjorge. Is that possibly dys with his arm on Diane's shoulder? Naaaah, who then? PDiddie?
LOL, Joanne! Yes, a bit... I just can't leave the computer... But I will now! I am really tired and had three glasses of wine which is a lot for me! :-)
Good night now!
And Mr. PD with his arms around everyone - Mrs. PD right in the front. But where is Bob?
resting somewhere in the shade of a tree?
Probably, love that Bay area weather you can see the cold.