You are using "perception" as though it were equivalent to "cognitive experience". Perception can be envisaged as an interactive process between inner and outer "states". It is mediated by "experience" (in humans via language) to the extent that the process can be "interfered with" by contextual cognitive requirements.( see for example: Green and Swets classic on "Signal Detection Theory"). "Reality" is about "payoffs", or "what matters" in the domain of experience.
As far as "evolution" is concerned, it lies exclusively within a
biological paradigm. But that paradigm is insufficient to explain the enhanced "environmental control abilities" of humans relative to other species. Biology may seen as a
necessary substrate for some of the essential mechanics of perception but not a
sufficient one for cognition. Nor can we utilize concepts of "logic" or "reason" to account for cognition since they are products of it.
You are essentially using a covert reductionist view of science which implies the ultimate
reality of axioms. I am countering with the transient
utility of axioms.