Cyracuz wrote:
Quote:No dictionary defines "reality" in that way, so you're not the best person to claim that Frank's position is flawed because it doesn't fit with the dictionary definition.
It's not the same at all...
Look at the definition of 'reality' from Webster:
Quote:: the true situation that exists : the real situation
: something that actually exists or happens : a real event, occurrence, situation, etc.
My point is that each of these can only be determined by experience. That you exist and experience is a prerequisite for determining any of these things.
So I am not defining 'reality' as equivalent with 'experience'. I am saying that for all practical purposes, due to how we humans are, experience is a prerequisite of reality.
And that is that same trap you fall into every time your post on this issue, Cyracuz. You are confusing our perceptions of REALITY (actually, our ability to perceive REALITY) with REALITY.
REALITY IS whatever actually IS. Whether we can perceive it (or whether we have the ability to perceive it) or not MAY have no impact whatever on the REALITY. (There is always the possibility that your blind guess about REALITY is correct and that REALITY necessitates an experiencer…is correct. In that case, “experience” is necessary…but that then becomes the REALITY.)
Whatever IS…simply IS…no matter what it is.
Why you are blind to that is beyond me, although you seem to be intelligent enough to get it, so I have to assume it has something to do with an unwillingness to question this belief system you have developed on the issue.
I do not know what the true nature of REALITY is…and I strongly suspect you do not either.
I am willing to accept that it might be anything you or anyone else are supposing it to be…or that it might be something no human can even begin to imagine. And it might very well contain elements that have absolutely nothing whatever to do with anything any human or any other kind of being can ever experience. (The latter would be my blind guess!)
You, on the other hand, are limiting REALITY to only that which humans experience or can experience.
How can you possibly suggest that is a more enlightened and open-minded perception of the issue?