Cyracuz wrote:It is not possible to prove that reality happens outside of our experience of it.
Do you disagree?
Short answer: Yes, I basically disagree.
Long answer: That would depend on your standard of evidence. I believe that the negation of your conjecture, that there is
no reality outside of our experience of it, can be ruled out beyond all reasonable doubt. As Joe pointed out, if reality is
only what each of us experiences, there is no reason to expect any consistency between each of our individual experiences. Empirically, though, we find a great deal of consistency, demonstrating there is something independent of our perception causing that.
To me, this is proof beyond all
reasonable doubt that some form of reality is out there whether we experience it or not. I'm not saying it's watertight beyond all possible reproach, but I do think it's good enough that your continuing objections amount to heckling.