Hair coloring/correction - anyone hear of a soap cap?

Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 08:20 am
I've decided to take the plunge and let my hair grow out gray.

As an aside, one aspect of this is seriously traumatic for me. I have no problem going through the color correction process. It's the realizing I have absolutely NO idea what my hair really looks like, who I would be/look like. My hair hasn't been uncolored for at least 20 years. It's a bit of a mini identity crisis to be honest.

I've seen on the interweb pictures of young women who have made their hair gray on purpose. While mileage may vary, some looking awful, some of them actually looked really good. I thought if I could get someone to do this, it would be over in one fell swoop.

Anyway, went to this fancy schmancy expensive salon to get advice, and they gave me a free consultation (nice, they didn't have to do that) While I was waiting, I saw a young woman (mid twenties) who worked there who who had her hair done an Amaizing gray. I asked her what her natural color was, and she said "brunette" which gave me a lot of hope. I told her I hoped I talked to the person who did hers and she said, "Yes you will, here he is...."

So he explained the process which is essentially striping your hair, making it a light ash blonde I supposed, so the gray growing out less dramatic from the dark color it is now. He said (as I already knew) "red is the hardest to get in, and the hardest to get out. It would be unrealistic to tell you your hair would like like Lindseys (the young womans) but in the 4 hours I'd work on you it would probably get like that womans over there." He pointed out a customer across the way who had what I think of as a dingy, none descript type of blondish thing going on. I really don't like blond hair to be honest.....Nothing to do with the person who has it, I just could never get behind having that color, unless in the most temporary situations, like this. I don't have the coloring for blond hair at all, IMO. After the stripping, I'd have to have a good bit of the hair cut off....not just because of the damage to that hair, but of course to get that unwanted blondish stuff out of the way.

My hair wouldn't be like Lindseys, because (a) it's red, not brown and (b) working there, I'm sure he was able to do her several times to get it to the stage she was at.

I thanked him, and driving home wondered if over the next couple/three months I could somehow provide him, or someone else, a less red palate to work with, like instead of coloring my hair red, I could go lighter and lighter brown. I know that when coloring hair a darker color, you're just depositing color. Depositing on top of the red. But I figured if I started doing the roots brown, and started cutting off the red hair as I went along, I could end up w/ brown.....but how to do this without looking like a People of Walmart special?

I went to Sallys to get some supplies, and ask someone there who knew something....

I talked to someone there who really seemed to know her business, but wanted to see if anyone here has had experience with this "soap cap" thing.

The color I'm at right now is 4R, R for red. She said, since it's time for a coloring (2 weeks, yes, I now have to color every 2 weeks to keep up with used to be down every 6....then 4, then 3 weeks....ergo I'm tired of this and give up) to go up to the next level lighter....a 5N, N for natural brown. She also said to buy this additive to put in the solution called "UNRED" I've looked at online and it get's overall good reviews.

She said to add the UNRED to the die mixture and apply as usual to my roots as far as timing (35 minutues). Then, to the remaining mixture add an equal amount of shampoo, and apply this soap cap to the rest of the hair for the maining time (another 10 or so) Something about that the shampoo would act as a buffer, and keep too much of it from getting into the hair shaft. With the REDOUT taking out red, and the buffered brown going in, it made sense to me then.

However, looking up soap cap online, almost all the information/examples of usage applied to using it to buffer the bleaching/stripping process, adding it to a bleaching agent, not color.

I'm going to cut off a lock of my hair from the back to see what this does, but figured someone here would know something about it.

I know this is long, but hair correction isn't simple. It's not at all cheap to have a professional do this either.
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 08:27 am
Lindsey's hair looked like a cross between these two pictures...



The woman the colorist pointed to as an example was more like this.....yuck.....

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 10:25 am
Well, did a test with 2 different swatches of hair, with disappointing, yet not discouraging results.

Cut lock #1 I did in a mixture of the brown, REDOUT and shampoo.
Cut lock #2 I did in just the brown and REDOUT

Disappointing in that both locks came out exactly the same color, and when I held them up to my hair they blended in exactly with what my hair is now.

Not discouraging though, since my red hair has faded since I last did it 2 weeks ago, so the bulk of my hair at least will not be the brightened richer red it is when first colored, it will be the more faded red.....and the roots will be brown. If I keep using the REDOUT, maybe it will take more and more and more of the red away over a couple/few months.

Maybe I'll do this 2 cycles, the brown and REDOUT, then switch to the next higher level, 6 for a couple of cycles with that color and the REDOUT, and during or at that time get a shorter cut. That will cover 2 months, and at least an inch worths of growth. I'll see from there.

When/if I can get it as light brown, or into dark blonde as I can through depositing lighter colors on new growth, I can go out and get the color correction done by a professional, and get the gray all at one time.

What do you think?
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 12:16 pm
Maybe I should have made the thread about how I met some really cool guy at the gas station last night, and have texted him 5 times in the last hour and he hasn't returned any of my texts.

I probably would have gotten a lot of advice by now.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 05:14 am
I saw a video the other day on youtube on a product called My HairDresser which is about removing dye from hair. This woman used it three times and it seemed to work. Maybe check it out?
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 06:31 am
Thanks for the advice mame.

I'll look that up, not sure if I've seen it already. I've been all over the interweb reading about various options other women have taken.

What I think I might do (subject to change) is after using up the tube of natural brown dye I bought (2 applications per tube)....is to start using semi permanent color. The ones that fade over 7-12 shampoos.

I did the brown natural yesterday, with the UNRED in it.
Over my entire head, it did seem to make maybe a bit of difference as far as the red, not much.
What I could see is that my freshened red hair looked more brown. There's of course nothing that's going to make it lighter without harsher treatment.

The roots however, I was pleased with that.

It picked up the brown, but didn't do entire coverage of the gray, which is fine with me....it just doesn't look like a drastic line anymore.

The brown coloring, even though it's the same brand (Argan) isn't nearly as strong. For instance, if I did the reddish brown, it would stain my skin as well. It would wash off after a couple of shampoos, but I wouldn't have worn my hair back in a ponytail until after a shampoo or two. With the natural brown, today I could totally put my hair back and there's no brown tinting on the skin.

This, is a good thing. Some gray showing through at the roots, not as strong.

I know I'm going to have to get some fairly drastic cutting going on as it grows out. However, I think maybe with a semi permanent color, which I have no problem keeping up with, even if it means doing it once a week for a while, may work until I've gotten all the permanently colored hair cut off. Then I could just let the remaining hair fade out.

This process, including getting my hair back to a decent length is going to take a year. That's the part that really bugs me, is the getting some length back and going through that akward, not short, not medium length stage. I hate that.

hm....just watched that youtube on my hairdresser....not too impressed. It didn't really make the girls hair that much lighter, as far as going to gray. It was more like, my hairs too dark from a botched color job, and I just want it a level lighter. Also, I think it goes into dangerous territory taking this sort of thing into your own hands, somethings that's best left to professionals.

You can really **** up your hair 5 ways to Sunday doing something like this yourself.
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 06:48 am
Well, she didn't want it grey, so her objective was not the same as yours, but I was impressed at her going from black to medium brown in three stages without bleaching. (At least, I don't remember her saying anything about bleach.)

I was thinking of going grey, too, but I put a grey wig on a couple months ago at a wig store and I looked so old so I'm not going to do it. Plus, I have long hair, so I'd have to go short, which I don't want to do at the moment.
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 06:53 am
I went grey about ten years ago.

About the same time my facial hair went the same colour, so instead of my designer stubble making me look all virile and hunky, I suddenly looked as though my personal care assistant had neglected to call on me for a few days.

You have no idea how us men suffer.
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:32 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:

I went grey about ten years ago.

About the same time my facial hair went the same colour, so instead of my designer stubble making me look all virile and hunky, I suddenly looked as though my personal care assistant had neglected to call on me for a few days.

You have no idea how us men suffer.

Oh no, I know how it is... You look something like this, at least in your mind, don't you?

My husband is all gray and if he goes a couple days, it's like "jesus granpa go do something about that crap on your face."

0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:39 pm
Mame wrote:

I was thinking of going grey, too, but I put a grey wig on a couple months ago at a wig store and I looked so old so I'm not going to do it. Plus, I have long hair, so I'd have to go short, which I don't want to do at the moment.

Yeah, I know, you've got the long hair. When I met you, I don't know how long my hair was, but it's way long now, like yours.

That's all gotta get chopped off.
I was actually on my way to a store that sells wigs to see how I would look, when I decided to go into that beauty salon to get the low down on the process. By the time I left, I knew that store was closed.

How often do you have to color your hair mame?

Can you see yourself coming to a point where you would say "This just isn't worth it any more?"

If you had asked me this a year ago (and I know I started a thread about this once before, and backed out, thinking I really didn't mind the effort) I would have said I didn't know if I would ever let it go gray.

For some reason, in the last few months in particular, I feel like I'm presenting an image to myself and the world that I don't like so much. Like I would look better in some ways if I stopped trying to have the hair color of a 20 year old.
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:41 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:

You have no idea how us men suffer.

Apropos of nothing.....I just liked this picture. It spoke to me.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2013 05:54 am
Going to get a short cut this Friday.

Then, I'm going to start doing the rest with demi permanent brown, which lasts something like 12 shampoos. I'll keep that up until I have the permanent all cut off.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2013 08:08 am
I touch up my roots about every 5 - 6 weeks. I might do the whole head a couple of times a year. It's not a lot of work.

My hair has a lot of curl in it and is really bad in humid weather. Then it's like Rosanna Rosanna-Danna or that chick in the Dilbert cartoons. But I found a blow-dryer (which I never used before) with two brush attachments, so it dries and straightens my hair at the same time. Perfect!

I only wash my hair about once every five days because it's so dry and so is this town. My hairdresser said I should go 10 days but I can't.

I haven't put leave-in product in it since I bought that blow-dryer but I'm going to try it again next time I wash it. I find washing and drying my hair a lot of work, more than colouring it. Another reason to only do it every 5 or 6 days.
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2013 06:25 pm
Well, if I only had to do my hair every 5 or 6 weeks, this wouldn't be an issue, and I'd have no problem coloring it.

I was able to do my color every 6 weeks I'd say 10 or 12 years ago.

Then it went to every 5....then every 4....then every 3.....I'm at the point I HAVE to do my hair every 2 weeks if I want to look decent. If, after a week I want to put my hair in a pony tail, I literally have to do it 10 or 12 times to get it where there isn't any big gray part showing on my head. So, even doing something that's "carefree" like a pony tail is a pain in the ass.

I'm a master at coloring my own hair, I know it's not "work" in the normal sense.

But, I'm at the time when it really only looks good for a week, maybe a week and a couple of days. By 2 weeks, it's got to get done. It's just the law of diminishing returns. I'm not getting enough out of it to make it worthwhile.

Ergo, the letting it be gray. I'm just not sprinkled, or streaked with gray, I'm 100% gray.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 01:15 am
I'm not really grey, y'know.

More of a Celtic Silver....
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 05:44 pm
ok, my hair is now cut from this...


to this....except without the 20 year old face.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Nov, 2013 11:33 am
woo hoo....

I'm on my way to my hairdresser to get my hair bleached out!

I'm not telling my husband....shhhhh....it'll be a surprise!
Reply Tue 19 Nov, 2013 04:37 pm
Wow, I cannot believe what a great job my hairdresser did, and at 20% of the price that some ritzy-shitzy downtown saloon quoted me.

A couple of months back when I at a whim stopped by to get an estimate, I was told around $350. My regular hairdresser, including the cut, charged me $70, and I tipped her $40.

She bleached it twice, tried one blonde color at a level 8, looked at it and said "I'm not happy with this" and when back and recolored it a level 7. Then she added toner.
It looks really natural, and has all sorts of highlights in it. All told, it took between 3 1/2 and 4 hours. No damage to my hair at all, feels soft and silky.

Now it looks very closed to this....(no she didn't use nice n' easy Rolling Eyes )


and I walked in there with this (minus an inch and a half roots)....


Quite a difference, huh?

Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:59 am
Since my last post, I've been keeping my hair short, getting an inch cut off every 2 months.

I finally have all the ash blonde cut out, and the natural color of my hair is just like this....


This isn't me in the picture, but it very well could be. I'm all silver/white except for low on the nape of my neck.

Pretty cool huh?

I really like it.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 11:43 am
Très chic!

I have a cousin (she's my Dad's first cousin, but they're at opposite ends of the age range, so she's maybe 5 years older than me) who's got all-white hair. She keeps it short and looks fantastic.

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