Wed 7 Apr, 2004 01:13 pm
Hi, I am currently doing a project on rituals/practices/rites for divorce. But the problem is that I do not know what cultures or countries that have rituals/practices/rites/ for divorce. So, would you please tell me the countries or cultures that I it. From what I know, I guess that Christians and Jews have rituals for divorce. I hope that helps. (Also, the rituals must still be practiced today.) Thanks for your help and I really will appreciate it.
In russia the man must initiate the divorce. If the wife wants a divorce and the husband does not, it's tough cookies, but the other way around is legal. Also, in the provoslavni church (russian orthodox) the man would be considered clean after a divorce, meaning he has committed no sin before the church, however the woman must repent, before she can have good standing in the church again.
The cultures that don't believe divorce is necessary are the ones to look at. Most sociologists see availability of divorce as an indicator of gender equality. Catholicism still doesn't "allow" it, so I'm sure that's expanded the definition of annulment. Fully-active Mormons who were married in the temple have less than a 1% divorce rate, and they believe their marriages last after death. Of the 12,000,000 mormons, they need written permission from the president of that 12M church to annul a temple-wedding. Of course, the fact that mormon women are statistically the happiest women in the world blows in the face of sociologists who say that divorce is equative with feminization.
I doubt either church has a formal divorce ceremony, but there's definitely a lot of hoops, so there's gotta' be some ritual to finalize it.
are you sure you're spelling mormon correctly?
Uh, yes, you and I both spelled it right, as in is their web page.