hawkeye10 wrote:"do the deal we propose or else we will close you down" is what the Taliban does.
it is also extortion. But at least one A2K member is proud to be part if it.
If customers dont like him,
thay r within their rights to avoid him and to take their money
elsewhere. OK, restaurant owner; whata u think of this:
a few years ago, I attended a naborhood restaurant for lunch.
On being seated, I took up all the cloth napkins, with their
cutlery wrapped inside and put them beyond the waitress' reach,
desiring the benefits of extra cloth napkins and cutlery.
She demanded that I give them to her; I refused. She insisted
and persisted. I acquiesced, fairly loudly declaring, on my way out,
that I 'd leave them
ALL in
immaculate condition and that I 'd take
my money somewhere better. The place has since gone out of business.
Do u hold that to have been extortion ?