Mame wrote:
Thank you!
Why do we expect everyone to like the same things and be/feel the same way? I think I'm going to deliberately go out and buy his pasta just to support independent thinking and values.
That's what I did yesterday mame.
I know I've still got some in my cupboard, but bought another box in absolute definance of this silly boycott. I like Barilla, I like it more than other brands I've tried in the past, I don't think anyone acted in a homophobic way and I think this is a matter of either/or some people being over sensitive and/or being led around by the media.
Athough I thanked jcboy for his answer, that was in respect that someone finally had the balls to answer a simple question.
Personally, I think it's a sham, a shame, a pity AND a game where the thinking is that throwing money at the offended party "might" make it all right.
Again, just personally, I'm of the opinion that if someone makes a mistake or offends me, and gives an apology, that's what I'm going to base my moving on by.