Tue 6 Apr, 2004 05:46 am
I am doing some research into Air Conditioning in the workplace. (A system which has vents in the ceiling, blowing cold air out of them) Does anyone know of any case histories where it has been proven that a constant cold blast can cause problems to neck,shoulders etc. Or has anyone come across any sites that cover this subject. Has anyone else had any problems with Air Conditioning? I would really appreciate hearing from anyone that can help.
I would suggest that you og to and find OSHA at the site and look for air quality and see if there is anything there.
Some building use computers to operate their systems and they often need to be readjusted. But always remember half the workers complain it is to cold and the other half that it is to hot.
You can purchase deflecters from any hardware store or mega home store. But you need managements permission to use them and if the vented air is for more that one room you would need to talk with other workers to ensure harmony.
Air conditioning is most definitely a severe problem when it comes to neck and shoulder pain. I work for the World Conservation Union in switzerland and we actually refused to install air conditioning because of such problems (not to mention that it is not particularly environment friendly!)
If you have no choice but to work in an air-conditioned area, do make sure that the air does not blow on you directly! This is also important in respect of the eyes and skin.Sinusitis problems are also greatly increased in an air conditioned area.
I do hope this will answer your question.
Welcome to A2k crossword fanatic/Pam.
If only Americans would understand about the environmental effects of AC. I hate it too but in the states people turn on the air the minute the outside temp turns 70f.
High humidty and temperatures in the neighborhood of 100+ in many part of the USA in Summer, really mandate the use of AC for human and animal health and wellbeing.
I have worked out that Air Conditioning can be quite harmful actually! On Cruise ships if the air does not ventilate prorperly this can cause harm in your lungs. I know some that got a lung infection after being on a cruise that I am not going to mention. Also it is not always great to be cool because then your body gets use to these temperatures. And then if you go into warmer climates your body reactes diferently than if it was always in a normal room. I hope I have helped you
Good Luck