Mon 5 Apr, 2004 07:51 am
Is there really something called "umpsquamadic peel" is it misspelt or is it just a word that someone has made up?
Yes, a made-up word from an interesting LSD trip (see account) -
"I was staggering along the street again at the bottom of the cul de sac.
My gaze lifted to the sky and the sky's gaze fell upon me, each cloud was now a giant type of amoeba type organism, covered in dots which pulsed in colour like the skin of a cuttlefish, each giant amoeba had a giant blue human looking eye observing me. I could hear voices taunting me, telling me I was stupid, telling me how thick I was for looking for the answers , telling me I had spastic consciousness. The amoebas seemed to be singing a never ending song which was something like this...
'I'm an umpsquamadic peel and if I ever know what I feel, then I know that I felt like this before and I always knew what I was timely for...' (Repeat into infinity with a chorus of about 1000 people !)"
nice try eos;
actually it is a code warning of danger, in a kind of pig Latin'ish' lingo;
let me explain: while walking through a vacant lot, after parking their car at a nearby meter, two people encountered a female aboriginal person vigorously scratching her leg.
Noting her body language, and a frantic glare in her eye, one quickly murmered to the other 'umpsquamadic peel'.
Meaning, of course, that the time had come to make a quick exit by jumping back in their car and 'flooring it'.
Oh, it means "jump (the) squaw (is) mad (as a) tic (just bit her);
(lets) peel!
[ sad it seems some people have nothing better to do ]
Aaah, cmon. "Squamous" means "scaly"... squamous cell cancer is a type of cancer that makes the skin scaly. "Peel" can mean a cosmetic treatment that removes the top layer of skin and reveals the smoother cells below...
So I'm not sure about the spelling, but it seems to be a name for a cosmetic treatment to cure scaly skin...
Wy wrote:......... it seems to be a name for a cosmetic treatment to cure scaly skin...
well, that was pretty dissappointing; quite 'knowledgeable', mind you, but dissappointing............
Google Medical Dictionary - and search Squamus - there are many definitions of that word which is the "root" word of your query.
The link will give you a beginning for your search. Medical terminology is like a building consisting of many "floors".
Other than that I have not answered your question. Apologies.
Umpsquamadic peels
Hi, I'm the original author of the report listed on I sometimes websearch stuff I've seen in dreams & other such "States" to see if I can make any more sense of the phenomena. I was kind of amused to see that ppl have discussed "Umpsquamadic peels" here. Its not as someone suggested "flooring it" :-) I have been disturbed to discover that some HP Lovecraft creatures bear an uncomfortable resemblence to creatures I saw in a park on the day in question - octopod heads, humanoid bodies.
As a form of therapy a few years ago, I made & sold little hand held Umpsquamadic peels as "Pets" the lot of them were sold, including instructions on how to to keep them happy. The only remaining model can be seen if you run a google image search on umpsquamadic peel.
Anyway, finding this upsquamadic thread has made me smile, thanks
Just in a day's work for us K-ers