Tue 27 Aug, 2013 05:02 am
Could someone point me in the right direction please(don't want the answer) to this question.
If an Avocado costs 9p,a Tomato costs 11p; a lemon costs 13p; and a Banana costs 16p; then using same mensa logic what does a clementine cost.
Count the vowels (once only per word) and add them to the price, to obtain an arithmetic sequence.
Works for Lemon and Banana but not Tomato.
Quote:If an Avocado costs 9p,a Tomato costs 11p; a lemon costs 13p; and a Banana costs 16p; then using same mensa logic what does a clementine cost.
I didn't ask the question but I don't get your answer.
Avocado is supposed to cost 9, not 11. Your second set of numbers doesn't add up to the answer.
The words are in sequence. You add the number of vowel types to the price (in red) to get the series of odd numbers from 11. The clue is the even price for banana which has the single vowel versus the odd price for the others which have 2 vowels each.
Oh! I get it. The answer is 17 (not 19, as I was reading your reply).
That's tricky. Very clever of you to figure it out.
Thank you for the explanation!
Fresco, not sure now that your explanation is entirely correct.
I can tell you that all these answers are wrong it has nothing to do with vowels and consonants. Have you got Question 27 yet (the transport system and post world war 2 grand national winner) Its driving me insane! If you offer a clue to this I will do the same for the avocado question
Quote:Fresco, not sure now that your explanation is entirely correct.
It was a suggestion. Most sequences are. The attributes "correct" versus "intended" are debatable unless answers are co-dependent as for example in a crossword.
I suggest "Teal" the (1952)Grand National winner... etc
(I don't have the quiz)
This is the one I thought it was .
Still not convinced with Teal or E.S.B, but I would go for Teal, it being the name of Disneylands Monorail system. It is such a poorly worded and ambigous question. A clue to answering the Avocado question. Think number of straight lines in each word.
Good answer Sophocles. How did you work that out.
Quote:Think number of straight lines in each word
In capitals ? (Is that how the question is written ?)