If they are opening and opening and opening, at some point there will be a glut, and they will start closing, and closing and closing.
One thing I've learned about selling stuff is that some competition is a really good thing, but when there's too much, the people who want to buy your product are spread too thin, and suddenly, everyone is doing poorly, or at least worse.
Unfortunately, it's not just the poor businessmen, or people with bad service and product that go under. The good businesses suffer too.
You've got to stay aware of trends, what's popular and go with it, but be ready to pull out before the bottom drops out.
I remember back in the 80's, baked potato bars were all the rage where I lived, and yogurt shops. When was the last time you saw a shop that sold mostly baked potatos? If you have, it's one or two, not how there used to be lot's of shops that sold potatoes as it's main business.
Gimmicks? Sure all these new shops that are opening and opening and opening have gimmicks, each and every one. Even if it's a clever name, or the fact they put in a certain type of counter or display case. Every business has to differentiate itself in some way. That's a gimmick. Bikini girls are just a more noticeable, some may say outrageous one.
In fact, the fact that some coffee places are resorting to things like bikini baristas may be a sign that the peak has been reached, and they are on the downturn.
Unbelievable as it may seem, there is a limit to the number of people that want to ingest coffee and it's related products, and a limit to amount of product even the most coffee addicted individual can take in. When it's all said and done, it's really just a cup of coffee and a muffin.
Coffee shops are here to stay of course, people always want a cup of coffee. I wouldn't say that there will always be dozens of shops within a couple of blocks though.
Right now we are in the midst of the gluten free craze, when from my understanding only about 3% of the population has any problems with gluten.
There's enough people right now willing to shell out extra money for a product that doesn't even help them, or rather keep them from feeling bad, that if I were a whoremaster, I might be tempted to jump on the bandwagon of selling gluten free products. I won't though, because I couldn't feel good about myself selling stuff to people who don't need it.
Years ago, I worked for a bottled water company. Every minute I worked there I was aware I was selling stuff that was the most ridiculous concept ever....selling something you can get for practically free, in an area where the water tasted fine, and there was no chemical difference between what was coming out of the tap, and what was going into bottles. Back then I guess I had a subliminal mindset that if someone was a big enough fool to believe they were getting a greatly superior product, I'd be willing to screw them and take their money.
Same thing with the bikini baristas. If someone wants to pay for a cup of coffee to get a flash of cleavage, when they can get the same product down the street, I totally get why someone will take this fools money.....I haven't been keeping up with this thread much, but I think I saw something about sexual favors on the side.....no surprise there either.