Quote: a sizeable faction if the feminists are currently pushing to outlaw all porn
I don't know who exactly you are referring to as "the feminists"--let alone what would constitute a "sizable faction" of this group.
There are people who consider themselves feminist pornographers. Are you aware of that?
There are feminists who distinguish between poronography and erotia and see erotica as promoting positive pro-woman values. There are feminists who oppose only pornography that depicts violence toward woman, but not other types. There are feminists who support pornography because they oppose censorship. There are feminists who never think about pornography.
And radical feminists, who oppose all pornography, were considerably more vocal decades ago, and never constituted anything beyond a very small group.
It's the social consevatives, and religous issues groups, who make the most noise about pornography, not feminists.
And those are the same people making a big issue of the bikini baristas, not feminists.
I think you are essentially unaquainted with feminism, and, on top of that, you fail to see that it comprises a very wide range of views.