Sun 4 Apr, 2004 05:27 am
What is so special about this number? I read once that the number is significant in our universe. It has to do with relations in distance, size and speed of the objects in space. I do not remember the specifics, only that it was fascinating how the number fit in everywhere. That is why I post this thread, in the hope that someone knows something about this, because I would know more. I remember that the number of beads on a hindu's "prayer-necklace" is 108, and that it is related to what I've said previously. So if anyone knows, please respond
I have no idea. I also heard from a man who I suspected was psychotic that the number 19 is significant in Islam. Does anyone know about that? (sorry to piggyback on your thread Cyracuz).
Apparently there are lots of theories as to the significance of the number 108:
The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon. [within a percent or two, anyway]
Twelve astrological signs times nine planets
Powers in math: 1^1=1, 2^2=4, 3^3=27 1x4x27=108
1, 0, and 8: 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.
The number of worldly desires or negative emotions that must be overcome before attaining nirvana, energy lines converging to the heart chakra, Upanishads, gopis, Hindu gods, names of gods/goddesses or names of river Ganges
JLN, 19 is the basis of a mathematical code in the Quran:
Thanks, Terry. After looking that over, my aversion to esoteric numerology is reinforced.
Mystical religious systems rely heavily on "significant numbers" for "coherence beyond words". Try for example
It is interesting to note that secular "reality" is still sometimes influenced by "number magic".....the "seven colours of the rainbow" etc.
Piggybacking is all right. Are there any true lines between subjects? it is only when these lines fade we begin to see truth instead of only veryfying what we thought we already knew.
Thaks Terry. what you wrote is what i couldn't remember.
Wow !
The first two sentences are mutually contradictory.
It MUST be true then.
I'm with JLNobody.
Numerology is bollocks.
In higher mathematics '108' demonstrates the value of subtracting '0':
108 - 0 = 1 + 8 = 9;
108 - 0 = 18 which is 2 x 9
therefore 108 = 9, and 2 x 9, at the same time!
therefore subtracting 0 = multiplying by 2!
wow; i hope you could all follow that.
Oh yes, and 1 + 8 = 9 ( or 1 x 9 - 0) !
lol all these coinciding numbers are statistically going to be found. other coincidences have been found by people looking for them and then they say they are significant. One is this guy took the text of the bible and imput it into his computer- only one version of the bible mind you and it was not the hebrew version - and put in algorithms of say take the third fifth and eighth letter and combine them into any possible words. well anyways he did this over and over and then found an algorithm which pulled out a 'hidden message' lol.. if you study probability and statistics you will find that occurances such as this will appear in alot of things.
the one about the moon i guarentee you 20 thousand years ago that did not apply. same with the one of the diameter of the sun and seeing as how the distance from the earth to the sun changes by many miles constantly..... it doesnt always apply anyways..
if one seeks one will find.....
but they are fun to look at - kind of like a slinky..
searching google, found this
Quote:Asian numerology attaches great importance to the number "108" which is considered sacred. The reason for this is that the numbers add up to "9!" To divide 108 by half is to come up with "54" which also comes out to "9." Half of 54 is 27 which adds to get 9. To multiply 108 by 2 is to get 216 which equals 2+1+6 = 9! To multiply by 3 is to get 324 which equals 3+2+4 = 9
I think I prefer phrenology as I have fewer numbers (bumps on my head) to deal with.
i am not denoucing anyones beliefs but.. look at my 'sacred numbers' i came up with.
5 6 and 8
5+6 minus the total amount of sacred numbers is the third sacred number 8!
8-5 times the first non prime number equals 6!
see.. i dont have as much time as some people do to find more but im sure i could.. Ok I choose these 3 numbers off the top of my head and then worked to find answeres i wanted... again not denouncing anyones beleifs nor making fun of them i am demonstrating a point that people spend alot of time on things like this when there are issues of MUCH greator importance to the human race.
again they are fun to look at - like a slinky, but are not very useful again like a slinky..
I didn't know that 568 was such a powerful number!
You must be a god visavis! Wow...
Heliotrope - the fact that the writer contradicted himself doesn't disprove anything.
This is true.
However it does give rise to certain misgivings about the worth of the document and the mental fitness of the writer.
In any case whether or not the contradiction disproves anything is irrelevant.
The quran (and all other religious texts) is revealed knowledge and therefore not based in fact or reality but in the minds of those who choose to give it creedence.
The basis of some sort of hidden code inside such a text equates to the founding of a house of sand upon a gust of wind.
I am not a number.
you are number 6
visavis wrote:i am not denoucing anyones beliefs but.. look at my 'sacred numbers' i came up with.
5 6 and 8
5+6 minus the total amount of sacred numbers is the third sacred number 8!
8-5 times the first non prime number equals 6!
see.. i dont have as much time as some people do to find more but im sure i could.. Ok I choose these 3 numbers off the top of my head and then worked to find answeres i wanted... again not denouncing anyones beleifs nor making fun of them i am demonstrating a point that people spend alot of time on things like this when there are issues of MUCH greator importance to the human race.
again they are fun to look at - like a slinky, but are not very useful again like a slinky..
Students of numerology

will tell you that "minus" & "times" are not used. Only a running count in any order, adding until you reach a single digit and its significance, though certain multi-digit numbers such as the number 12 are also considered "important."
More than anything, I think it is the discussion of a number's "meaning" that boggles modern minds. The downside is that refusing to learn about numerical significances means you lose out on understanding the symbolism delberately put into literature as well as religious texts.
Heliotrope wrote:This is true.
However it does give rise to certain misgivings about the worth of the document and the mental fitness of the writer.
In any case whether or not the contradiction disproves anything is irrelevant.
The quran (and all other religious texts) is revealed knowledge and therefore not based in fact or reality but in the minds of those who choose to give it creedence.
The basis of some sort of hidden code inside such a text equates to the founding of a house of sand upon a gust of wind.
I'm muslim, and to be perfectly honest I never heard of the hidden code he wrote about.
Hebrew numerology is also incredibly interesting because they use their letters for numbers. That means that most of the holy numbers spell out important words.
For instance, the number 18 also means chai, or life.
Locke15 wrote:I'm muslim, and to be perfectly honest I never heard of the hidden code he wrote about
Well me neither to be honest.
However numerology in any form does not have a rational basis other than the circular form within religions.
Basically as I said earlier; Numerology is bollocks.
Believe if you will but don't expect any credibility to be given to it or the so-called knowledge revealed by it.