Some Clarification
I want to make some clarification. When I discard some culture as non-civilized I do not mean that these people are biologically inferior to us. They are not, and they belong to the same species we do. There are numerous reasons having caused retardation of development of their societies, majority of them not being dependent on the people themselves. These people are rather victims of the unfavorable life circumstances.
When the circumstances change (for example, they become citizens of the industrially developed country, e.g., USA or Australia), they gradually integrate into the local society and adopt its values. This way they may have their own scientists, artists, military officers, statesmen, etc.
I just discovered this thread, and must say it has revealed a high level of sophistication. The principal point was made early, of course: that the Pakistani event should serve to keep us on guard against the forces that would undermine our constitutional principle of the separation of chuch and state.
By the way, the notion of "civilization" when comparing societies was given up by anthropology in the beginning of the last century.