Sat 3 Apr, 2004 11:45 pm
How many of us A2Ker's bowl? What's your average?
I love bowling, but I don't get to do a whole lot of it. I went today, first time in a few years, had so much fun. My average was
What is bowling?

I played one or two times...
Are you following me??? And, i'm just the way you seem to answer things, is it some kind of sarcastic humur, or what up with that? Just outta curiousity.
You are an pessimisst. I´m sometimes an sarcastic... ;-)
Okie dokey, thanks for clarifying that!
My brother and I use to bowl every weekend when we were kids, but I haven't gone in years since my son isn't interested in it. We bowled candlepin and I still have my balls. We were pretty good, but it was so long ago that I don't remember what my average was.
Quote:and I still have my balls
what a coincidence, so do i

i also bowled frequently as a young'en, but gave it up around age 20.
i remember my best game ever was 170; probably averaged in the 120's...
it was fun, but i certainly don't miss having that sore arm the next day.
I've been bowling like 20 times in my life and I've never cracked 100. My best ever you ask? 94, the first time I ever bowled I got 94. Since then, I've progressively gotten worse.
Bowling used to be my life.
Growing up, I was always in a league. Two when I could talk my parents into it.
Shortly after going adult, I had a knee injury, coupled with moving cross country, that ended my career. It was probably a good thing, as while my average was only between 175 - 185, I couldn't apply my knowledge to myself. Others, yes, but not me.
Now my kids bowl (their choice, I didn't influence them at all) and I might be getting back into the sport. Since it's been so long, I just might be able to shake all my bad habits. . .we'll see.
My sister still bowls, but I haven't talked with her about it for a long time. She was lots better than I was, and we thought she might go pro. . . but I guess not. My dada bowled for a long time right handed, two 300 games, and had to quit because of a back injury triggering arthritis in his left knee. He decided to bowl left handed, and managed to get back up to his 200 averge he had right handed.
So yeah, we've been around bowling centers for quite a while.
I bowled 5 nights a week up until last Jan. when i tore my achilles tendon..i had my avg up to 207 and had my first 300 game. Now am down to once a wk and could only manage 189 this year..if you're in Wichita this summer look for me @ Northrock, the WIBC is here for nationals..the ABC will be here in 2011..
The modern sport of bowling, btw, which seems distinctly American and very secular, grew out of a German religious ceremony.
In the 3rd century AD, every German peasant carried a Kegel, a club similar to the Irish shillelagh, for protection. It became a customary test of faith in many churches for the parishioner to set up his Kegel as a target, representing the heathen, and then roll a stone in an attempt to knock it down. If he succeeded, he was considered free of sin.
Bowling eventually moved out of the church and became a popular secular sport, with a wooden ball replacing the stone and multiple pins (from as few as three to as many as seventeen) replacing the single Kegel.
There are several references to bowling in Germany during the Middle Ages. Berlin and Cologne in 1325 set a limit on the amount that could be bet on a bowling match. A 1463 feast in Frankfurt featured bowling, along with a venison dinner. And the winner of a 1518 competition in Breslau was awarded an ox.
From Germany, the sport spread into Austria, Spain, Switzerland, and the Low Countries. Bowling also moved indoors, into covered sheds with lanes made of wood or sun-baked clay. These Kegelbahns, as they were called in Germany, were often associated with inns or taverns
So, I played this nine pin bowling quite regulariyl, have been a "Kegeljunge" ('pin boy') in my childhood, before automatic bowling was introduced in the pub* close to my parent's home ...
* The pub owner was a world champion in the 60's three times.
Bowling now is quite common here as well - but I didn't play it often.
Bowled for a while, yeah, but never reached turner's, his sister & dad's or willow_ti's big scores.
Just an average 164 bowler, with a league best game of 247.
Now I bowl about once a month, with my kids, and average something between 140-150.
When it comes to games fb, i am pretty competitive..took lessons when a tiny little girl came into our handicapp league and started to whip my i did something about it..if she had not shown up..i would have been content with bowling one night a week with friends..(at the time i was really into NTN(National Trivia Network) that you could play at the local pub here...since the injury am now into Bridge on line...gosh, sounds like i need to focus...:-)
I'm going bowling tonight. I think it's pretty fun. I don't do it much, but any sport that you can do while drinking is alright with me.
In NYC, bowling has become one of the cool things to do. Weird, huh?
This place, where I'm going tonight, is always packed with singles on friday and saturday nights.