Sat 3 Apr, 2004 02:23 pm
Does anybody have a tip on eradicating fruit flies? Living in South Florida we're used to bugs but we're under siege here by insects that are reproducing at an alarming rate. Are there any commercial spray cans or bombs we can use?
Dang, fruit flies are a pain....they only live 24 hours, but man can they screw. I'm not sure what spray to use, as you wouldn't want any near your food. I hope someone else has a better solution.
Clean, clean, clean, dry, dry, dry. The flies breed in moist spots, especially fruit left out (hence fruit flies). Cover the garbage -- better, get it out of the house immediately. Keep fruit in the fridge, not displayed in a bowl. They like the few drops of sweet pop left in a can, so keep the recyclables rinsed and/or outside. Clean and dry the sink, especially under the drain-filter-closer thingie (you know, that metal thing that gets all gunky if you're not thorough. I put mine in the dishwasher every time I run it...).
I don't know if they screw a lot or just lay a lot of eggs, but I agree, they can fill up a kitchen faster than you can blink.
Eliminating places for them to breed should get rid of them... If you're in a tearing hurry, any spray or bonb should work, but to keep them from coming right back you must eliminate the things they like. Also, as Cav says, you must take precautions to keep the insecticide away from your food, dishes, and prep areas...
Thanks Wy-we're rollin up our sleeves...
Spread honey on the counter, and you'll catch all of them in one day. ONE DAY.
Oh I like this solution MUCH better!
Then you can scrape up the honey and put it back in jars!
Didn't mean to slight your solution Wy...I'm just incredibly lazy. I guess you're right, either way I'm gonna have to do some work.
NO question panzade. Clean or get used to them. Garbage and especially empty beer bottles must taken out daily.