Religious Books
So, sue me, I am a bibliophile. The eye was attracted to the word "books" for my first post.
I am currently learning Hilchos Teshuva by the Rambam (the Laws of Repentence by Maimonides) and Tractate Avodah Zerah (Idol Worship) which is one of the "books" of the Talmud which is, by the way, considered Torah by religious Jews.
The Torah is specifically the first five books of Moses, as previously mentioned but, for religious Jews, it is also the Tanach; the Talmud; and much, much more - many, many "commentaries."
The world seems to consider "the DaVinci Code" a religious book. I read that. It's not. But, it is a fun read.
I try to keep up with the Koran to attempt to understand what the heck the radical Islamic death cultists are up to and where they source their material from...
Some of my past favorites have been: the New Testament; Bhagavad Gita; the Upanishads; books on Tibetan Buddhism (Trunga Rinpoche?); the Tai Chi Chuan writings of Master Cheng; Gurdjieff; Ouspensky; Maurice Nicoll; Rodney Collins; Swedenborg; Balzac; the Brother's Grimm; Shakespeare; Homer and Aristophanes.
All profoundly religious in different ways.
If I delve back far enough, I seem to recall that I did read everything Alan Watts wrote and I made my own religion out of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein (science fiction, but very religious, as it was...)
I enjoyed the MU books and Baba Ram Dass (Richard Alpert).
I am sure there are more, but the brain cells are not willing...
Nowadays, I tend to study Torah. A lot...