Wed 31 Jul, 2013 07:26 am
Hi There,
I thought I had come up with an original idea for an iPhone case which I was thinking about patenting. Then later on, given that the Iphones / smart phones change so frequently, I thought it's probably not worth the investment in a patent. Then later on I discovered that someone in hong kong has come up with a similar iphone case and in their promotional video, it says 'Hong Kong Patent'. Then I went on to search the Hong Kong Patent directory and couldn't locate the patent. So I have four specific questions:
1) What's the risk of me not patenting my idea and can I be sewed later by someone who has already patented this idea? Note: I've done my various searches in the UK & European Union Registers and couldn't locate anything. I couldn't find a register for international patents.
2) Where can I search to see if anyone has patented my iPhone Case Idea and how?
3) If there is a Hong Kong Patent, does that mean I can't sell my product in Hong Kong as the Hong Kong Patent only applies locally to Hong Kong?
4) Would you reccomend me getting a patent, is it possible for a product, such as an iphone case, which will change so frequently? I.e. If my product is for the iPhone 4 and 5, then do i need to take out two separate patents for my iphone case product?
I thank you all in advance for your kind help, support and assistance.
With Warm Regards,
Lev from London, UK
There cannot be a patent for a new phone case as it is probably not original concept. There are several dozen or hundred on the market. What is new and innovative about yours that a patent should be granted by the patent office?
Furthermore, the cost to hire a patent attorney and the research involved to prove originality would kill any potential profit you might generate if you could convince anyone yours was original in some way.
The rest of the info I can't help you with.
Thank you for your help and assistance.