Quote:Difference in what clock readings?
Sorry again if I wasn't entirely clear. The readings described in my posting #….261. For instance when you're passing Mars you note that Marty's clock reads 5 minutes later than yours
Quote:Relative to you, you aren't moving.
Yes, yes, I do understand about relativity. Again, I'm assuming an observer who doesn't. When he passes Mars, noting the reading on Marty's clock 5 minutes ahead of his for instance, if a relativist he assumes a relative velocity near c, if he isn't, then many times faster than c, etcetera ad infinitum
Which brings up an interesting q. If he doesn't then fire his retros to come back home, in just a few moments shouldn't he "traverse" the Universe, upon his return (from the other direction?) finding a diminished sun, Earth lifeless, having since gone cold
..which would suggest it was he who was moving and not the rest of the Universe. However we know better of course, that he's entitled to think that after taking off he became stationary and it was all that matter moving through it past him……..
…….still kind of troubling somehow
……though I believe I might be misunderstanding your viewpoint. Watching out the window of the rocketship of course it looks to you like the rest of the Universe rushing past at c but no faster since of course since the distances have diminished since you took off
But again remember I'm assuming a traveler not familiar with Einstein
OT but wondering incidentally if you were in on a much earlier discussion in which I referred to a sort of "relative relativity" to better explain foreshortening, clock slowing, etc