440hz Music - Conspiracy To Detune Us From Natural 432Hz Harmonics?
My comment:
Each note in the twelve tone scale is based on factors of 11
Someone who has perfect pitch as myself, if you switch the base tone to 432 all that ear training goes totally out the window. It is almost painful just the thought of it.
The vibration of the factors of eleven generate overtones due to the mathematical perfection of the number 11.
That is because notes combined in a non linear fashion. Even though notes are set up on a musical keyboard linearly they combined exponentially. Contemplating this alone nearly drove Beethoven mad.
Numerology, as it relates to the Bible attempts to exemplify the various qualities between the numerals eleven and twelve.
Biblically, 11 usually means disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration... 10 + 1 or 12 - 1
11 is a state of "in between" always missing one or needing one to be come whole.
Where 10 means ordinal perfection.
Where 12 means governmental perfection or unity.
Which is easier counting by elevens or twelves?
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 187 198 209 220 231 242 253 264 275 286 297 308 319 330 341 352 363 374 385 396 407 418 429 440
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180
192 204 216 228 240 252 264 246 258 270 282 294 306 318 330
342 344 356 368 380 392 404 416 428 440
Now in music there are twelve tones all based upon factors of eleven.
If they based the twelve tones upon factors of 12 beginning from 440 or 432 there would be discord or no harmony.
Incidentally, the beat for rock and roll is exactly opposite of the heartbeat, where reggae follows the heart beat.
rock and roll goes, boom boom chi, boom boom chi
and the heartbeat (and reggae) goes chi boom boom, chi boom boom
Matthew 20:6 And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?
Eleven in the Bible means disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration. The 11th hour... they were not working as the should, they were all standing around idle when they were normally supposed to be working at that time. Too much time on their hands yet not enough work...
Jesus had twelve disciples... there were 12 tribes of Israel... 12 patriarchs, 12 legions of angels, 12 zodiac constellations all signifying unity or governmental perfection.
When Jesus met the disciples before the ascension there were only 11 for Judas had already hanged himself, a new disciple was chosen soon after.
It seems this number 440 was chosen due to its biblical numerological significance and for its factoring relationship to the numbers 11 and 12.
Both 11 and 12 arrive at the same 440 factor but if one builds the 12 tone scale on 12 there is discord in the harmony yet when eleven is used there is chordal harmony... If one were to build an 11 tone scale there would also be discord.
Incidentally, notice neither 11 or 12 land on the factor "432"...
What I am really saying is that there is something elusive here to figure out...
666 is the number of secular perfection.
666 divided by 12 = 55.5
666 divided by 11 = 60.54545454545455
As music and sound have vibrations, so do numbers...