Tue 30 Mar, 2004 11:52 pm
Philosophically speakingis, is the human species evolving
beyond its obviously well developed destructive abilities into an inevitable
self-destruct mode?
Are you suggesting something similar to what forest fires are to an ecosystem, only applied to evolution?
If he's thinking of what I'm thinking he's thinking, then sorta.
Humans have, historically, been a very war-like race. There's always some fight going on somewhere, and this helps to 'cull' the numbers down.
Since WW2, wars have been smaller, and fewer between. Plus, most people nowadays are looking for more peaceful resolutions to problems. With this peaceful approach to things, and considering that medical technology is far more advanced now than it was even twenty years ago, people are living longer, better lives. Infant mortality is down, and people are having more children. Population is expanding quite rapidly. Soon, we will reach critical mass, and a crash is pretty obvious. How far this crash will take us, well, I don't know. If it was the '80s, I'd say something along the lines of nuclear winter. Now. . . who knows? It could be some kind of plague, it could actually be the war to end all wars (Albert Einstein said (I think it was him) 'I don' t know how the third world war will be fought, but the fourth will be with sticks and stones.), or it could be some kind of asteroid/metoer impact.
Are we heading into an inevitable self-destruct mode? I'd say yes. How will we survive? It really depends on how quickly we can get off this planet and spread out. If we have a colony on the moon, Mars, Io, Eroupa, and the asteroid belts, then the species survival is almost guaranteed. If not. . .well. . .
If you feel the need to self-destruct, than by all means, go right ahead.
Yes I think it has. It has a unified idea of the future and it's a great explosion. I think people ahve this physcosis with explotions look at all outr movies for instance.Unforfortunately we have it more than the Hindus.They are at peace it is us for some reason that seems more likely to face such a dilemma.
Unfortunately the group of people that brought to you this dynamic flux in technology also have their downfall naturally inherent.Maybe the down side is eventual mass distruction. Maybe that is what happens to all societies on this earth of people distruction might be at the hands of the brilliant. Now maybe a womans leadership could prove differently that what we have carefully observed.
That's a pretty unique thought, and a possible parallel.....although the human "thinking process" we have developed does provide a more
deliberate self-destruct, don't you think ?
I am in full aggreement with your position,except for the very last item. If our human species get off this planet it would not take too long to get all these survival pioneers into the inevitable destructive mode which seems to be
an inherent characteristic we have all adopted,because it is , paradoxically, a survival mechanism , of sorts.
I don't think we have a more destructive nature today than in the past. It may seem that way because we have learned how to make deadlier weapons.
Yes, it is an issue of technology, not evolution.
Like Neitzsche said, the thought of suicide (self-destruct), gets me through many a dark night.
However, the pluses still outweigh the minuses every morning when I consider the day ahead...just
as Camus often implied.
However, that was not the gist of my question.The self-destruct mode of our species does not mean that everybody will be aiming to kill themselves........the species as a whole will do it
for us.
With that one word, you have obviously developed an incisive idealistic position which the heavy -hearted materialists among us can only
wonder at its deciveness......and I , for one , wish you all the luck.
The species has no will. The speicies is made up of a number of creatures, all with a healthy survival instinct.
I'll translate into English:
Alikimr: Terry, that was simple, yet prfound.
Agreed. However, one must admit that the propensity for man for creating more and more deadlier weapons to use against his fellow man, makes him automatically a more destructive species than he was before.
Technology is an evolving mechanism
because its evolution is entirely dependant on the evolution of man.
By the way, your summation to Terry
and myself was equally profound !
alikimr: Damn, dude, are you some kind of poet?
Getting out of this system is a big step forward to ensuring species survival. Provided we send a small enough group to say, Alpha Centauri, then presumably the cycle would start again. But upon rereading what I wrote, I don't think getting out of this system would be enough.
I don't believe it is dependant on the evolution of man, as far as evolution is commonly defined. Of course, it is always possible to redefine words if they are deemed inadequate. Which to you imply, the former, or the latter case?
We can murder more effectively (act out our territorial nature) than in the past. But behaviorally speaking, it's no more murerous than conquering a nation and killing or ensalving everyone in sight.
As fabulous as this all sounds we have already crossed the great line of mass distruction.When we irradiate our produce and give brain damaging cell phones to our loved ones , we are heading down a very trecherous road where the nature of the outcome seems to be contaminated considering these affects on the human brain might have rendered us into something entirely different. It would all then have to be in our programming and that takes us back to DNA. If it's in our dna to advance with no concern with the technological side effects then one is to believe we are meant to mutate into something else.
Places like costa rica show us just how fantastic nature can be when it cxcomes to transformation. I also think that at certain times this planet also under goes faster rates of transmutation and wiythin this climatic episode in maybe less than 500 years humans will change and a new bread of creature will come forth from the earth. They would then have to be lower in species considering the extent of damage done to this palnet. so this brings me finally to the great door of escape. The place where the lost tribes of isreal and others have gone before us.