fresco wrote:
I have relayed the relatively recent conclusions of philosophers of language that no words refer to ontological status except with respect to specific communicative contexts. I have illustrated some contexts where "reality" has such status and suggested where it has not.
Now what have the hecklers done, other than other than utter lay platitudes ?
Is that all we have done in your opinion, Fresco...just "utter lay platitudes?"
You are the expert...we are merely laymen!
Existence is one hell of a mystery, Fresco.
I sure do not know what is going on here...for certain.
The idea that there is a universe...and I am an inhabitant in it certainly is compelling...but I grant that it may be an illusion (an unusually persistent one).
But whatever the REALITY is…that is what it is.
You seem to suggest that you KNOW what the REALITY is. You do not give us any back-up for your assertions about it…except regular appeals to authority. But they do not seem to KNOW what the REALITY is…and all you are doing is to give us their guesses (educated though they may be) about REALITY.
REALITY is…whatever it is.
You simply do not want to be wrong about your guesses about what it is…and what it isn’t.
So you are insisting that your perceptions, considerations, and guesses about it…are what it is.
I will stick with “I do not know for sure what the REALITY is…but whatever it is, it is.”
Frankly, that “lay” take make a hell of a lot more sense than your expert take.