Sun 23 Jun, 2013 04:28 am
a man went to the market. he had no money. he met his two friends there. one gave him 500 rupees the other gave him 1000 rupees. now, he lost the thousand rupees and from the 500 he had left he spend 300 rupees and from the 200 rupees left he returned a hundred rupees each to both his friends. now he needs to return 900 rupees to one friend and to the other he needs to return 400 rupees. now he spend 300 rupees. so the total is 1600 rupees where as he had got only 1500 rupees. how did he get 100 extra.
There is no 100 extra. Incoming and outgoing sums are equal.
1000 lent by friend 1
500 lent by friend 2
total 1500
lost 1000
spent 300
returned 100 to friend 1 (owes 900 to this person)
returned 100 to friend 2 (owes 400 to this person)
total 1500
He owes 1300, of which 1000 was lost, and 300 was spent.